Chapter Twenty-Nine: Birds of Prey

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Hazel shifted both of the axes in her hands, the grips slightly slick with the sweat that was forming on her palms. Come on.

Elara's stance was wide and ready, her eyes sparkling with excitement. The long blade flashed in her hand as she shifted her weight between her feet. The strands of her hair swayed back and forth with her subtle movements. Yet, she made no move to attack.

Mia's soft cries echoed behind them, as she and Aaron began to retreat from the center. Mia was leaning heavily on Aaron, the grass beneath them rustled with their movements. Silus hesitated, torn between watching their retreat and Elara's standoff with Hazel. Elara's arrogant gaze flickered to Mia and Aaron.

Hazel knew she needed to keep the focus on herself. "Come on Elara," Hazel attempted to make her voice sound taunting, twisting her axes languidly, "Unless you are afraid you can't beat me." Elara's eyes narrowed; her gaze flitted back to Hazel but still she hesitated.

"Here, I'll even make things fair. I'll put one of my hands behind my back," Hazel bent her left arm and tucked it behind her. She slid one of her axes into her waistband, and reached out her free hand behind her and took a cautious step backward.

Elara's hesitation waned as she observed Hazel, she advanced slowly.

Hazel's fingers groped the air behind her, "You seemed so eager to fight earlier. If you can't take me, there's no way you're going to beat my brother." Her voice was steady, baiting Elara. She continued to take deliberate backward steps, drawing Elara further away from Silus, Aaron, and Mia.

Elara scoffed, her voice dripping with contempt, "I think you'll be surprised," tossing her hair over her shoulder by shaking her head, "Too bad you'll be dead when I kill him." Elara took a couple more steps toward Hazel.

Hazel continued backwards, "Show me then," her fingers still outstretched behind her, "I love surprises. Or just keep talking. It's the only thing you're winning at right now."

Elara, incensed by the taunt, stepped closer, her weapon poised. "Snow's little pet thinks she's clever, huh?" Elara laughed darkly and her eyes glittered in the sunlight overhead, "What would Senator Snow think of you putting yourself in danger like this, I wonder?"

Hazel tilted her head up toward the sky like she was looking up at God. Snow probably considered himself on par, so it was fitting, "Can't say for sure, but I'm certain he's watching." What does he think of all this? He is probably calling her a fool for putting her personal safety at risk. She internally scoffed, thinking about their conversation in his car, "I can imagine he's not exactly pleased," Hazel raised her eyebrow at her, "Should we at least give him a good show?"

Elara laughed derisively, her tone laced with mockery, "If dying at my hands is a good show, then by all means, let's entertain him. I'd love nothing more than for him to watch me take out his pathetic little favorite from a district he probably forgets exists." Her smirk was confident, "I'll prove he backed the wrong horse."

A small smile formed on Hazel's face, "I don't know what's funnier the fact you are insulting the Senator, on live television." Hazel chuckled looking around them before her eyes again settled on Elara, "Or that, Snow preferred a 'pathetic' District 7 girl," allowing her gaze to leisurely appraise Elara, from her poised stance to the confident tilt of her head, "Over someone like you."

In Hazel's mind she liked to think Snow was somewhere, smiling at that.

The insult clearly struck a nerve, and Elara began to move steadily toward Hazel, her face contorted with rage. There we go. Hazel felt the telltale web along her outstretched fingers and paused her backward movement. Elara began to charge her now, her face reddened.

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