Noco - Playa Des Losers - Fluff

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Noco - Fluff
TW: Cursing

I also may screw up on what order people get eliminated 😓 BUT I'LL TRY MY BEST!! I'll also be switching up the POV's mid story sometimes, but not a lot!! 😇


Noah's POV:

Y'know what?? Screw this whole show and everyone on it.

Obviously, I got eliminated off of this god forsaken show. "No team effort" Yeah, my ass. They did good enough without me contributing in so some elementary school game, I would've gotten out immediately anyway. They were all soooooo pissed about it, even Cody!!! Everyone just needs to calm their tits, and realize that maybe eliminating their weakest links first won't help them so much in the big game.

Yet here I am now! Hopefully, on my way back home on some boat which looks like it's on life support-


Why was I brought to this hotel, resort looking thing??? Plus right when I was in the middle of shit talking these losers in my head 🙄.

"We've made it Noah." One of Chris's many, many interns said.

He was the one driving the boat. I don't exactly know his name, as Chris didn't tell us who any of his interns were, assuming he even knows their names himself. They also don't have any nametags sooooo I guess I'll just call them "Chris's interns".

"Uh yeahhh but this is some random hotel thingy."

"Playa Des Losers"


"That's what it's called, Playa Des Losers. It's where you'll be staying until the show is over with the rest of the losers."

Chris's intern has a bit of an attitude in the way he says things, and the absolute stink eye he keeps giving me. I can't entirely blame him as working as one of Chris's interns isn't the ideal job to have.

"Uh yeah you could've just said that."

3rd Person POV:

Noah stepped out of the boat and looked around for a second.

This is where I'll be staying??? He thought to himself.

"Are you gonna grab your bag or not??" The intern randomly shot out.

"Noooooooo I'm gonna let you keep it and open it like a mystery box off of Ebay." Noah said rolling his eyes.

The intern just rolled their eyes back as Noah picked up his bag.

"You can go talk to that guy over there, the one that looks like a total twink. He'll help you find your room or something and show you around." The intern said very obviously not caring for a person or thing in this entire place.

"Wowwww how descriptive"

I'm guessing he probably some homophobe or something, ehhhh not my problem. Noah thought to himself.

Noah started walking towards the intern that the other one directed him to.

He wasn't wrong about that twink part Noah thought. Noah was gay himself, so he could sometimes tell if people were at least a little zesty. While walking towards this intern who was some reason across this whole pool area, he saw Eva and Ezekiel arguing from the other end of the pool, most likely about to start fighting.

"I bet I could beat you in a fight aye??"

"OH OH AND WHY IS THAT?!?!?!??!"

"Because I'm a boy, which means I am 86748654865486 times stronger than yo-"

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