Heatherra - A Day Out - Fluff

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Heatherra - Fluff
TW: Cursing 🤯

NO ONE RECOMMENDED THIS I JUST WANTED TO WRITE IT!! Also random stuff: I've been writing stories on my phone now so now I have auto correct!! Some requests I may just not do or do it five hundred years in the future 😇 ❤️ and I've been making bracelets for Melanie Martinez Trilogy Tour 😻 (I'm going to the Las Vegas show 😋)


IMPORTANT‼️: So this one shot will be small parts of stuff they're doing on a day out like shopping, eating, etc. I just want to tell you that so you wouldn't be confused 😋


Third Person POV:

Sierra ❤️


Me - Sierrraaaaaaaaa

Sierra ❤️ - so I was wonderingggg....

Me - What is it?

Sierra ❤️ - do you want to go out and do stuff today?? :3

Me - What kind of stuff????

Sierra ❤️ - Idkkkkkkkkk
Sierra ❤️ - maybe just normal stuff!!!
Sierra ❤️ - going out to eat ‼️
Sierra ❤️ - shopppinggg
Sierra ❤️ - hang out like girlfriends do!!
Sierra ❤️ - stuff like that 😻

Me - I still don't understand how you can send 500 messages in a minute 🙄
Me - But yeah!! I'd be happy to :)

Sierra ❤️ - YIPPEEE
Sierra ❤️ - I'll come pick you up in an hour 😋
Sierra ❤️ - be ready or else 👹

Me - Yeah, and that's not creepy
Me - But I'll be ready!!! Love you❤️

Heather put her phone done after sending that message. She didn't have any plans for the day, until now. Now, she's going to go hang out with her girlfriend, Sierra, doing random stuff.

What should I even wear? Heather thought to herself.


Third Person POV:

"Look at those cute cats! Eeek!" Sierra exclaimed. There is a pet store at their mall, and they chose to go inside.

"You should probably be a bit quieter, they're sleeping." Heather responded.

"And oh em gee look at those dogs!" Sierra whisper exclaimed. "It's so sad they have to stay inside of weird boxes all day." Sierra said sadly.

"They're probably not in there all day." Heather told her.

"Still sad." Sierra responded. She was puting her hands against the glass lightly, so she didn't scare them. "Can we get a pet?" Sierra asked.

"We can't, we don't even live together. Plus we're both still in college, so we should wait until we are at least out of school." Heather responded.

"Then I'll steal them." Sierra said louder than she probably should've.

"Everything I just told you goes with if we should get one or not. Not if you should steal one or not." Heather responded. "We should move on to other stores now, Sierra." Heather said.

"Awwww, but look at him! He's going to be so sad alone." Sierra said sadly.

"We should leave before you get too attached." Heather recommended.

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