Aleduncan - Detention - Fluff

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Aleduncan - Fluff
TW'S: Cursing, mentions of fighting, slur (I can say it 👍)


So this chapter is like a soulmate AU type thing 😓 it's where they like have the same colored hair strand thing (IK THIS IS SO STUPID BUT LIKE ITS FUN TO WRITE 😋😇)


Duncan's POV:

I mean seriously? What are the chances that I get stuck with him, Alejandro as a "soulmate." I know people say it's "meant to be" buts it's probably just bullshit. It has to be.

"Boys, as you can tell we don't give out a lot of detentions." Our principal told us. We were alone with just our principal in one of the math classrooms. "Yet you guys have managed to cause so much trouble that we had to give you guys detention. I mean, when will the fighting stop? You guys are soulmates."

Alejandro and I both rolled our eyes. At least we both think it's bullshit.

"We aren't soulmates." Alejandro said in a sight whisper.

"Alejandro please. You guys need to learn how to get along, and appreciate each other." The principal continued. "Which is why we are going to be leaving you guys in here alone, to work stuff out."

"What?" Alejandro and I exclaimed at the same time.

"Aren't we supposed to be creepily watched or something?" I asked.

"Yes, usually. But for you guys it's different. I really hope you boys can get along." The principal said. She started to get up and leave. "If you two end up fighting again it's a week of detention." She said as she walked out the door.

"Whatever." I said scoffing. We just sat there, saying nothing. I thought about just leaving, but after school they have a janitor who snitches on kids trying to sneak out of detention. It's happened to me before. Plus they have hallway cameras, so I'm stuck here. My school is so over the top.

"Yknow if you would've just shut up we wouldn't be here." Alejandro randomly said.

"Oh boo-hoo is detention ruining your non-existent date?" I asked, messing with him.

"Oh haha." Alejandro responded. I constantly make comments like that. Before we got our "soulmate strands" or whatever they're called, Alejandro would get around to every girl at school. Yet, since everyone thinks we're soulmates, they've left him alone.

"You mad you got stuck with me?" I asked screwing around.

"I thought you didn't believe in that stuff. But yeah, I don't like girls thinking you and I will get together or something." He responded. "Plus neon green isn't my color, now it's stuck with me."

"That's your biggest problem? Not the fact people think you and I are fags?" I asked. He looked at me weird.

"Aren't you quite literally gay?" He questioned.

"Bi, but you don't care that people think you are?" I asked. I started to get genuinely curious.

"Depends on who." He responded.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" He asked as a comeback.

"I mean we eventually need to know something about each other. Right now all I know is that you're a homie-hopping asshole. Plus I feel nice right now." I responded.

"Where was all this 'niceness' when you wanted to beat my ass like two hours ago. But you're right I guess." He responded.

"So, what do you mean 'depends on who'?" I asked him.

"Alright well, I don't care if our classmates and basically anyone at our school thinks I'm gay. But then it comes to my brother." He said.

"Let me guess, he told your family your 'soulmates' a boy?" I responded putting air quotes up for the word "soulmate."

"Not yet, he's making me do stuff for him, just like dumb shit, to keep it a secret." Alejandro told me. "He also wants me to help get him 'chicks' as he says."

"You're not jealous?" I asked.

"Nah. I lost interest in girls a bit ago." He responded.

"Wait what?" I asked shocked. I didn't expect him to just straight up tell me that. "Didn't you tell me like 2 minutes ago you don't want 'girls thinking we're together'?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I don't feel like acting like I'm praying to get a girl. Most of the time they were just a distracting for me, since I know I won't be able to get what I actually want." He said, weirdly.

"Damn you're more of an asshole than I thought. I thought you liked at least some of those girls." I responded.

"I mean, early on I liked Heather and all, but all feelings for girls just went away." He told me. "But what about you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked. We've surprisingly been having a normal conversation so I don't know exactly what he's asking me.

"Do your parents know?" He asked me.

"They don't really know, or care. They're always focused on everything but me so, yeah." I responded. I didn't want to go into too much detail. What if he's just trying to get information out of me or something. That's definitely why I'm asking the most question. Not cause I'm interested in him or his life. Not at all. Nope.

"Yikes dude." He responded. The conversation came to just a silence. It was obvious we both were thinking about something.

"Hey Al." I said.

"What?" He asked. Usually he gets major pissed when I call him "Al." Why not now?

"Do you think the soulmate stuff is real?" I asked. It was entirely off topic, but it was on my mind. Everyone else I've seen gets a "soulmate" who is actually their soulmate.

"Uhm, I don't know." He responded.

"Everyone else who has met their 'soulmate' seems to actually be that persons soulmate. Have we just been wrong this entire time?" I asked, looking him in the eye. "Are we actually soulmates?"

"We can check." He said.

"How?" I asked.

"For starters we obviously have the same hair color strand. But there's a way to confirm it." He told me.

"Just tell me." I pleaded with him. Just as I said that, he grabbed me by my shirt, and kissed me. I guess he was right, this method works. Because it felt right. Felt like what's should've been happening all along instead of mindlessly arguing. After a couple seconds, he pulled away.

"Uh." I said pretty much speechless.

"So I guess we are soulmates." He said.



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