Trustin - After Band - Fluff

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Trustin - Fluff
TW'S: Cursing

I PINKY PROMISE I will do more requests soon!! I just recently went on my computer and edited my google doc with the requests n stuff 😇 (I write Wattpad stories on my phone now 😋)

Alsoooo‼️‼️ pleaseee check out my Noco story Your First Love because I am just happy abt the story in general 😋 BUT ENJOY!!!


Third Person POV:

"Okay guys, I think we should end it here. It's getting kind of late." Harold said. "I can't be away from Leshawna for to long, I start having withdrawals."

"What the fuck." Justin said.

"Yeah, I have some sort of event that I'm being forced to go to." Cody complained. "Owen is making Noah go, so Noah is making me go. I'm thinking I can just say I magically got a cold that'll go away by the next day."

"That's fine. I think we practiced enough for today anyway. I'll probably just practice some more on my own." Trent said.

Trent is teaching Justin how to play the drums. Partly because they wanted a drummer in their band, and because Justin thought it'd make him more hot. They didn't want Trent also being the drummer, as he was alright the guitarist.

"You all are just going to ignore how Harold has 'withdrawals'?" Justin exclaimed. "But I was just getting good at the drums, and I have nothing to do tomorrow. Trent, would you mind if I stayed later and continued practicing with you?" Justin questioned.

"Oh I don't mind! It'd probably make it way less boring." Trent responded.

"Thanks." Justin said.

"Oh and Harold! Can you drive me home? Noah drove me here but he's usually asleep by now, and I obviously don't have the car." Cody said. Nobody knows why Cody and Noah share a car, when Cody is literally rich and could buy his own.

"Fine, but no white girl music allowed in the car." Harold said.

"Fine." Cody responded, dragging out the e.

"Okay, so I guess we'll see you guys on Saturday right?" Trent questioned.

"Yeah." Harold said. "Goodbye you guys."

"Bye!" Cody exclaimed, again dragging out the e.

Cody and Harold got their stuff together and walked out the door. You could hear them already talking about random shit before the even left Trent's doorstep.

"Okay, so since I already taught you the basics, do you want to try learning a song?" Trent asked.

"Depends, what song?" Justin asked.

"You can choose whatever." Trent responded.

"Well I can't think of anything, can you please choose?" Justin complained.

"Uhm okay." Trent sat for a minute thinking. "You like Weezer right?"

"Somewhat. Cody's obsessed with them so I'm bound to listen to them at some point." Justin responded.

"Alright, so I was thinking the song Beverly Hills by Weezer. It wasn't that hard for me to learn." Trent suggested.

"Honestly, I'm fine with anything." Justin said. "So how does it start?"

"It's kind of hard to tell people how to play the song, hold on a second." Trent responded. He walked over to Justin and stood behind him. He put his arms around him to grab his hands which were holding the drumsticks.

"Alright, so I'll just show you how to play it so you can just memorize how to do it. I don't really know if that'll work, but we can try." Trent said. Him and Justin were really close, and Justin took a lot of notice to that. He's like Trent for a while, yet he never thought it was acceptable. Or that the feelings were reciprocated.

"You paying attention?" Trent asked as he started helping Justin play.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry just a bit out of it." Justin responded.

"Do you want to wait a bit before learning?" Trent asked.

"We can continue, I'll focus more now." Justin responded. It was mainly just an excuse to have Trent stay close to him, yet also to learn.

They ran through the whole song on the drums two times before they took a quick break.

"You starting to memorize it?" Trent asked looking at Justin. Since Trent didn't move from his position, it made their faces really close.

"I think so." Justin said quickly. Him and Trent being that close was setting him up for a heart attack.

There was a moment of silence before someone spoke up.

"You really do look good close up." Trent said looking Justin in the eyes.

"Huh?" Justin questioned. He heard him correctly, he just wanted to make sure he heard him correctly.

"I said you look good close up." Trent repeated. "I mean you are a model for a reason."

"Oh, thanks." Justin said.

They both just sat there for a bit, looking at each other. For some reason, neither of them moved. Yet they both found it so awkward and hot at a the same time, in a way. So many thoughts were running through Justin's head, so he became bold.

And kissed him.

It only lasted for a second, before they went back in for another. This one was lasting longer, until...

"Hey guys, so once I got home I realized I forgot my phone here. So I sent a message through Noah's phone saying I was coming back, did you guys see it?" Cody exclaimed walking through the door.

Justin and Trent didn't have enough time to move away from each other before Cody saw them.

"Ah!" He exclaimed. "I just wanted to get my phone back!"

"Cody next time knock!" Trent exclaimed.

"Well then next time lock your door!" Cody said back. He grabbed his phone and left the house again.

"Oh god." Justin said, as he just got caught kissing Trent by Cody.

"Well I guess Noah, Harold, probably Owen, Izzy, and Eva will now know about this." Trent said.

"Let's just never leave our houses again. Or answer our phones." Justin recommended jokingly.

"I wish." Trent responded.

"So, what do we do now?" Justin asked.

"Hmmm." Trent thought to himself. "Wanna make out?"

"Yknow what, yeah." Justin responded.



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