Aleheather - Valentine's Day - Fluff

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Aleheather - Fluff

@ale_eme IK U ASKED FOR ALEHEATHER LIKE A MONTH AGO....BUT HERE IT FINALLY IS 😻 🤯 YOU GUYS IM WRITING MORE AS I PROMISED I WOULD 😉 SOOO ENJOY IG 😋😋 (check out my new Noco story or else don't expect to see your left foot tomorrow)

(Also I know Geoff n DJ weren't great friends with Alejandro, nor known him well but whatever 😆 I also know Gwen, Courtney, etc. don't like Heather but let's ignore that 🤯)


Third Person POV:

"Should I make her a big sign, get her flowers, both, make a big deal out of it? I don't know what to do!" Alejandro exclaimed.

"I don't know man, maybe don't make it a huge, big surprise thing. She'd probably be embarrassed if you did it In front of a bunch of people." Duncan respond.

"I agree with him on that." Geoff said.

"Well how did you guys ask? No offense, but some of yours guys girlfriends are nut cases, so how did you do it?" Alejandro asked.

"For starters, we asked our girlfriends, Heather isn't your girlfriend. Second, Courtney isn't an entire nut case." Duncan said.

"Yeah, Lindsay isn't that bad." Tyler said.

"Yeah but she's an idiot." Duncan responded.

"Don't be so rude Duncan! Yet you're kind of right. Tyler, she just isn't the smartest if you see where we're coming from." DJ said.

"Guys! This about how I'm going to ask Heather to be my Valentine, not the fact Tyler is dating an idiot." Alejandro exclaimed.

"Hey!" Tyler responded.

"I don't know dude, just go with the flow." Geoff recommended.

"Wow, great advice there." Duncan responded.

"Just try getting her something normal, but make it special." DJ said.

"Okay, but where should I ask her?" Alejandro asked.

"How about, you can do it outside of school, once most people have left." DJ recommended.

"That could work, I guess." Alejandro responded.

"I thought you were a major ladies dude, why do you need our help?" Duncan asked.

"Because those other girls I didn't care for, and I actually like Heather." Alejandro responded.

"Shocker." Duncan responded, with a snarky tone.

"Whatever." Alejandro said.


Third Person POV:

Heather got a passed note from Alejandro during class. They have the same last period of the day, and sit directly next to each other.

Meet me at the giant tree after school, just you. :)

Heather doesn't know what he wants, but she has a slight idea. Valentine's Day is coming up soon, and it would only make sense if that's why he wants to meet up with her. She's always had a weird feeling that he likes her, and now she's thinking that even more. Plus, she's seen him reject these pretty, kind, girls and not ask anyone himself.

(Time skip to after class, aka end of the day :0)

"Hey guys." Heather said walking up to her friends.

"Yeah?" Gwen asked.

"Alejandro passed me this note last period, he wants to meet up with me at that one big tree." Heather responded.

"Do you know what for?" Bridgette asked.

"Yeah, that sounds creepy." Courtney said.

"It's probably light hearted. He may just want to ask her something." Sierra said.

"I don't really know why, I was thinking maybe it has to do with Valentine's day." Heather responded.

"That's true, I see him looking at you all lovey-dovey." Leshawna said.

"This is reminding me of how my boyfriend, Brady asked me to be his Valentine!" Beth exclaimed.

"I thought dating someone made them automatically your Valentine?" Sierra questioned.

"Well, Tyler personally asked me! So I guess not." Lindsay explained.

"Yeah, Duncan asked me to be his, and I'm pretty sure Geoff did the same for Bridgette." Courtney said.

"Yeah he did." Bridgette agreed.

"I should probably go meet up with him now. Drive home safe you guys!" Heather exclaimed.

Heather was really kind to her friends and only mean in a joking way. Yet she was mean to everyone else, even Alejandro.

"Bye!" All of the girls exclaimed.


Third Person POV:

"Alejandro?" Heather questioned walking up to the tree.

"Oh uh, hi Heather." Alejandro said nervously. He wasn't usually nervous when it came to girls, mostly because those girls he didn't like or he knew was already into him.

"Why did you need me at this tree? I don't have all day." Heather asked.

"Right, I brought you here to ask you something important." Alejandro said. He brought a singular rose for her, he was hiding it behind his back. He thought bringing a lot of stuff to school would be to awkward and would make people ask him a lot of questions.

"That question is?" Heather asked.

"Uhm, would you like to be my Valentine?" Alejandro asked. He reached out his hand holding the rose. He was trying to get this over with. His worst fear was getting rejected, so he thought to rush through it to save him from getting too nervous.

"Oh!" Heather exclaimed. She already somewhat predicted this, but it still shocked her that her prediction was right.

"Will you?" He asked again.

"I will, not." Heather said.

"What?" Alejandro asked immediately.

"I'm joking you idiot." Heather said right after. "I would love to be your Valentine." She said.

"Oh uh, t-thanks?" He said in an uncertain tone. His nervousness, plus the joke she pulled on him caught him off guard.

"Thanks for the rose." She said.

"Oh, you're welcome!" He responded going back to his normal self.

"I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow Al." Heather said.

"Oh, yeah! Adios Heather!" He exclaimed.

Heather turned around and started walking away. She was flustered, and didn't really want him to notice. She's always liked him, except she pretended to really despise him. This was one of the best things to happen to her recently.

Alejandro on the other hand, was celebrating in his head. He wants to go flaunt his success to his friends over the phone the moment he gets home.



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