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The next morning Ron wake up with teary eyes, she knew she was crying in her sleep, she didn't like those tears at all, she quickly wiped them before she prepared herself.

She wore her mask and made her way down, in her way she met up with the black hair girl with pink eyes, her name is Ehwa from Yeon family one of the ten great families.

When Ron saw her, she nodded and said. "Good morning, Ehwa."Ehwa nodded then crossed her arms.
" You're early,what are you planning, you FUG doctor?" Ron smiled as she raise her finger.

"Waking up early to have exercises improve your body's health, I as one care about my health I do always exercise in morning." Ehwa looked at her in doubt, Ron chuckled.

"I know, I know but even slyers have normal habits after all they're people you know." She nodded slowly,she stared at the mask Ron was wearing
"Why are you wearing this silly mask?"
Ron gasped in surprise startling Ehwa.

She faked a tear as she said. "Ehwa, how could you ask such a question? My mask is hiding my face which might be badly distorted, where's your heart?"
Ehwa started to feel bad and quilt from her stupid question .

"I... uh.... I." Ehwa was about to apologize but got cut by Ron getting a light hit on the head. Viole who hit his sister said.

"Stop bullying her, Ron." Ron rubbed her head as she said. "I was just joking around." Ehwa who just realized what they were saying.

"Hey! how dare you mess around with me!?" Ron chuckled as she claped her hands together and lowered her head.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to tease you a little and I think I've succeed, you were about to apologize to me, weren't you?

How sweet of you!"  Ehwa face got red, she felt her blood boil. "You little brat." Ron said a little oops before she ran away from Ehwa.

"Hey don't ran away!" Ehwa ran after Ron, Viole who saw them sighed helpless at his sister's behavior.
' At least she's getting along with them.'

Actually, Ron was playing and joking around just to raise up her mood.
She wanted to ease her mind so she can think of a good solution.

Several Days later

Ron was in her room reading some novel while waiting for her brother and his team to get back from their test. She was enjoying the calming atmosphere until she heard a movement.
"They're finally back, I should welcome them back." She put her mask on her face then she headed down.

In her way she heard the door opened but she sniffed a blood. She quickly rushed to see who was injured, she hoped they're still alive. Once she arrived in front of the door she saw Acraptor holding Viole who was unconscious in his arms.

Wangnan who noticed her presence looked away "Ron, we're...." Ron cut him by saying. "I'll hear from you later, Acraptor please put my brother in his room, I'll treat his wounds." 

She observed the others carefully to see if they're injured as well, gladly they were all fine. "For you guys, take some rest I'm sure you're tired." She walked away with Acraptor following her.
They all stood there dumpfounded.

"She didn't even ask what has happened." Gosing said with sweat dropped. "I mean her brother condition is the most important thing to her at the moment." Horyang the Big man  answered Gosing curiosity.

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