The bear of Camp Disney

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It was a nice day when the kids were following Fawn Deer in the middle of a jungle, much to Marie's dismay as the heat was messing up her fur a little bit. Marie: "Miss Fawn... why are we here again?, this place is messing up my fur." Fawn: "We came here to find Baloo, as it seems that he found something very interesting here." Jokey: "The world's largest banana?" Fawn: "I don't think so." Rolly: "Do you always think with your stomach?" Cadpig: "You're one to talk Rolly, as you have a big appetite as well." Rolly: "Good point." Fawn: "Now kids, stay in the middle of the trail, you can easily get lost here." said Fawn, as she and the kids continued on their search for the bear. Suddenly, they heard the sound of something rustling in the bushes. That was when a bear wearing a scout outfit came to the scene. It was in fact Baloo (voiced by Phil Harris), and Oliver was very happy to see him. Oliver: "Papa bear!" Baloo: "Hey Oliver, glad that you and the others made it here." Patch: "You call him papa bear?" Oliver: "Why not?, he is a bear and a papa to me." Baloo: "I don't mind, it has a nice ring to it." Marie: "Uh... can we rest for a bit?, I'm tired." Baloo: "The little one's right, you guys look like you could use a break." Gidget: "Yeah... we've done a lot of walking today, sorry if we worried you that we might be late." Baloo: "No need to apologize, everyone needs a break once in a while, so relax, and enjoy the song." Tommy: "What song?" Baloo: "It's one that you might like, wanna hear?" Tommy: "Sure." so with that, Baloo begins the song. ♪Look for the bare necessities, The simple bare necessities, Forget about your worries and your strife♫, ♪I mean the bare necessities, Old Mother Nature's recipes, That brings the bare necessities of life♫, ♪Wherever I wander, wherever I roam, I couldn't be fonder of my big home♫, ♪The bees are buzzing in the tree, To make some honey just for me♫, ♪When you look under the rocks and plants, And take a glance at the fancy ants, Then maybe try a few♫. Oliver: "You eat ants?" Baloo: "You better believe it, and I love the way they tickle." said Baloo, before continues singing. ♪The bare necessities of life will come to you, They'll come to you!♫, ♪Look for the bare necessities, The simple bare necessities, Forget about your worries and your strife♫, ♪I mean the bare necessities, That's why a bear can rest at ease, With just the bare necessities of life♫, ♪Now when you pick a pawpaw, Or a prickly pear, And you prick a raw paw, Well next time beware♫, ♪Don't pick the prickly pear by the paw, When you pick a pear, Try to use the claw, But you don't need to use the claw, When you pick a pear of the big pawpaw, Have I given you a clue?♫, ♪The bare necessities of life will come to you, They'll come to you!♫, ♪With just the bare necessities of life, yeah man!♫. Once the song was over, the group continued their walking until they found what looked like some sort of ancient temple, covered in vines and jungle trees. Jokey: "Where is everyone?" Baloo: "This is an ancient city, which has not had anyone living here for many years." Fawn: "Is this what you want us to see?" Baloo: "Well, part of it... look over there." said Baloo, before pointing his claw at what looked like a giant banana next to a very tall tree. Jokey: "Look at that!, I was right!, there is the world's largest banana!" the others could not believe what they were seeing as it was something that Jokey was right about. While the others were watching Jokey and Jokeo getting ready to eat the banana, Cadpig wondered off to look around the city, with Tommy, Patch and Oliver following her. Patch: "Hey sis, try not to wander off too far, you don't the others to worry." Cadpig: "Alright." they were about to turn back, when the Demon trio showed up. ScreamClaw: "Going somewhere brats?" Oliver: "Not you guys again!" ThunderSmacker: "Yes again, and you brats better surrender if you know what's good for you, or you might get hurt, including that little piglet of a puppy there." said ThunderSmacker, pointing at Cadpig, who started to growl in an angry way while steam came out of her ears. Cadpig: "Are you talking to me?" Patch: "Uh oh... he called her a piglet." Cadpig: "Are you talking me?" Patch: "He shouldn't have done that." Cadpig: "Are you talking to me?!" Patch: "Now they're in for it." Cadpig: "The name is... Cadpig!" screamed Cadpig, before charging at the trio and a big fighting dust cloud was formed as she attacks them. Once the fighting dust cloud was cleared away, the Demon trio was all tied up to a tree while Cadpig whips the dust off her hands before laughing nervously as she sees that the fox, kitten and puppy was looking at her. Cadpig: "Sorry, sometimes I lose my temper when someone calls me a piglet." said Cadpig with a nervous giggle. Tommy: "Noted..." it was not long before they got back to the others, who were happy to see them. Baloo: "Hey kids, guess what, I was able to take a picture of the banana before these two decided to make it a snack... which I still can't believe as it was bigger than me, and yet they manage to devour it." Jokey: "Well we were really hungry." Jokeo: "That I agree, as we did a lot of walking today." Rolly: "If you guys keep eating like that, people might think you're a pair of piglets." said Rolly, before gasping and covering his mouth when Cadpig walked up to him. Cadpig: "What was that about piglets...?" Rolly: "Not you sis!, honest!" said Rolly in a frightened tone, which confused those besides Tommy, Patch and Oliver as they knew why Rolly got scared of Cadpig so suddenly. Tommy: "Yeah... never say the P word close to Cadpig here..." Patch: "Yup..."

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