Camping with Toons

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It was late at night when Tommy and the other kids were out camping in a forest, in hopes to win a camping outside badge. Marie: "I don't get why are we even doing this is we're in a summer camp?" Tommy: "I think they want us to learn how to camp in the wilderness." Toulouse: "Well as long as no wild animals appear, I'm not complaining." Berlioz: "Me too, like maybe bears for example." Jokey: "But isn't Mr Baloo a bear?" Berlioz: "I meant the wild kind." Oliver: "I don't know, Papa bear can be a real wild animal when he goes to parties." Cadpig: "Speaking of which, have you heard that he and genie have been training Diablo and Aladar for some time." Rolly: "Who?" Cadpig: "Remember that Carnotaurus and Iguanodon we brought back by accident?" Rolly: "Yeah?" Cadpig: "Well Miss Fawn gave them names, Aladar is the Iguanodon, and Diablo is the Carnotaurus." Gidget: "That name fits perfectly for the meat eater, Diablo means 'devil' in Spanish." Cadpig: "That's right." that was when they hear Jokey screaming as his marshmallow was on fire and tries to blow it out, only for it to hit Jokeo's face. Jokey tried again, only to get his marshmallow catch on fire again, and blow it off his stick and landed who knows where. Patch: "I tried to warn you not to put so close to the fire." Jokey: "Sorry." suddenly, the Demon trio showed up, with ScreamClaw's face covered in burnt marshmallow goo. ScreamClaw: "Okay brats... which one of you decided to spite melted marshmallow on me?" Jokey: "Sorry." ThunderSmacker: "You brats are stew now!" Tommy: "But we're not the stew kind of brats, we're fricasseeing brats." this got everyone confused, including the trio. ScreamClaw: "Fricasseeing brats?" Tommy: "Have you got a license to attack fricasseeing brats?" SpaceWarp: "Well... no, not really." ScreamClaw: "Never mind that!, shoot 'em with our pitch forks!" SpaceWarp: "But we don't have a license to do that." said SpaceWarp, before ScreamClaw snaps his fingers to create what looked like a license before looking at Tommy. ScreamClaw: "Uh, how do you spell fricasseeing?" Tommy: "F-R-I-C-A-S-S-E-E-I-N-G... S-C-R-E-A-M-C-L-A-W." said Tommy, before ScreamClaw gives the license to his fellow demon dragons. A moment later, SpaceWarp and ThunderSmacker were looking confused before shrugging their shoulders, and aimed their pitch forks at ScreamClaw and fired. ScreamClaw's head was now a skull with eyeballs, before he snapped his fingers and his face was restored. ScreamClaw: "Let me see that license!... hmm... fricasseeing ScreamClaw?... well, I guess I'm the goat." said the red demon dragon, before Tommy pulls out a sign that says 'Goat hunting season', and the other two demon dragons fired at their leader again. ScreamClaw snaps his fingers to restore his face again before glaring at Tommy. ScreamClaw: "You're a dirty fox!" Tommy: "And you are a dirty skunk." ScreamClaw: "What?!, I'm a dirty skunk?!" screamed the red demon dragon, before Tommy pulls out a sign that said 'Dirty skunk season', and the other demon dragons fired once more, and once again, ScreamClaw snapped his fingers to restore his face. ScreamClaw: "Will you knock it off?!, what do you think this is, a cartoon or something?!" suddenly, Fawn came to the scene with her face full of panic. Fawn: "Children!, Diablo has escaped and he's in this forest somewhere!" Kids: "What?!" SpaceWarp: "Who's Diablo?" Jokeo: "The meat eating Dinosaur that came back with us." Fawn: "We'll be fine as long as we don't do the things that will attract him." ThunderSmacker: "Like what?" Jokeo: "Never swing your flashlight back and forth really fast." Jokeo: "And never stomp around as he'll take that as a challenge." Jokey: "Plus never wear a sombrero in a goofy fashion." Jokeo: "Or clown shoes." Jokey: "Or a hoop skirt." Jokeo: "And never..." Jokey: "Ever... Ah!" Jokeo & Jokey: "Screech like a chimpanzee!" ScreamClaw: "Oh... well in that case..." said ScreamClaw, before he snapped his fingers and he was now wearing a sombrero, clown shoes, a hoop skirt and started to stomp around, swinging a flashlight back and forth really fast and screeching like a chimpanzee. SpaceWarp: "Wait!, stop!, you'll get that monster to attack us!" ScreamClaw: "Like this Diablo is really gonna come by this." Jokey: "Guys what are we gonna do?!" Jokeo: "Wait, Miss Fawn, didn't Genie and Baloo trained Diablo to never attack anyone in a circle?" Fawn: "Yes, that should work, maybe." so with little time to spare, Tommy drew a circle in the dirt around their camping spot. ScreamClaw: "Oh please, if this Diablo was really here, why didn't he show up?" Patch: "Maybe it's because you're not wearing your sombrero in a goofy fashion." ScreamClaw: "Oh how silly of me, you mean like this?" said ScreamClaw, before making his sombrero tilted before laughing. Then a large tail appeared and turns the sombrero upside down. Jokeo: "No... like that." said Jokeo, before Diablo lets out a mighty roar that scared the Demon trio and starts chases them. Fawn: "Looks like the training has paid off." Gidget: "Yeah, now we just got to figure out how to teach him not to attack people period." ThunderSmacker: "Move over!" shouted the blue demon dragon, before he and the other two joined the others in the circle, and Diablo stopped when he sees the circle. Suddenly, Genie comes to the scene and uses his magic to send the meat eater back to his enclosure. Genie: "There, that takes care of that." Fawn: "You could have done that before, right?" Genie: "Well yeah, but then this would have been a boring chapter." Tommy: "He has a point there." ScreamClaw: "Well, now with that settled... it's time to deal with you brats... and nothing can stop us now!" suddenly, thunder was heard, and the sky started to rain, much to the Demon trio's annoyance and dismay by the water. ThunderSmacker: "I hate this place!" screamed the blue demon dragon, before he and the other two made a hasty retreat. Fawn: "Maybe we should get back to Camp Disney." Tommy: "Good idea." Fawn: "And I'm happy to tell you that you all earned your camping badges as well." Kids: "Hooray!" cheered the kids, before following Fawn and Genie back to Camp Disney.

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