Popcorn in space

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The stars were twinkling when a space ship was flying around the planet and it's moon. The ship in question had Baloo, Fawn and the kids inside it. Gidget: "Wow!, I can't believe that we're actually in space!" Patch: "Well I can't believe that Camp Disney even has a ship that can go to space in the first place." Fawn: "Well Camp Disney is not what you would call a normal summer camp." Baloo: "And this is a great way to help kids learn more about space and stuff, and a good way for you to earn yourselves a space badge." Jokey: "Are there any snacks?, I'm starving." Jokeo: "Me too, I really need something in my stomach right now." Cadpig: "Don't you two ever think of something other than food?" Jokey: "Well we would, but I can't think right on an empty stomach." while the kids were talking, the Demon trio were under a couch to hide themselves, thinking of a plan to get revenge on them. SpaceWarp: "Are you sure this is gonna work?" ScreamClaw: "Of course, without power of the engines, they can't go anywhere." ThunderSmacker: "And by the time they figured out the problem, it would already be too late." so the Demon trio began their plan, and it was not long before the ship loses some power that control's the engines, making the ship unable to move. Tommy: "Uh... what's going on?" Fawn: "Oh deer, the power for the ship's engines have been cut off, we're stuck." Baloo: "But at least the rest of the ship is good." Oliver: "Um... are we in trouble?" Fawn: "Not to worry, as long as we're not in the path of any space objects like a meteor or something." suddenly, the ship's main computer beeped loudly and Baloo looked to see that it detected something that made him gasp. Tommy: "What's wrong?" Baloo: "Uh... please don't panic... but it seems that a meteor is heading right for us." Marie: "And that's something to keep us from panicking?!" the bear took another look at the computer, and soon got a really confused look on his face. Baloo: "What the?" Fawn: "What is it?" Baloo: "Well, the sensors just determined that the incoming meteor is made of..." Oliver: "What?!" Patch: "Made out of what?!" Baloo: "...Popcorn!" this made everyone very confused. Oliver: "A meteor made of popcorn?" Rolly: "Um... would it be regular, caramel or cheese?" Gidget: "It makes little difference when it hits us at 5,000 miles an hour!" Rolly: "Oh, good point." that was when they hear Jokey & Jokeo singing while wearing headphones that was playing music. Patch: "Uh guys, is this really a good time to sing?" Jokey: "What?, we need something to do to get our minds off of food." Jokeo: "But it doesn't seem to be working." Jokey: "Man... I'm so hungry that I could eat a whole bus." Jokeo: "Well yeah?, well I could eat a space ship." Jokey: "Oh yeah bro?, well sometimes I think that I could eat a whole planet!" said Jokey, which got everyone's attention as an idea came to the little Toon Fox's head. Tommy: "That's it!, Jokey, Jokeo, did you really mean that you could eat a whole planet?" Jokey: "Well sure but... we never actually done it before." Tommy: "Well now's a good time to find out." Jokeo: "What do you mean?" Tommy: "Get to the space pods, quickly!" said Tommy, before leading the hyena twins into the escape pods. Once the twins were in the pods, Tommy sends them out of the ship and head for the meteor. Fawn: "Tommy!, what are you doing?!" Tommy: "Trust me, if anyone can get rid of that meteor, they can." Baloo: "What do you mean?" Tommy: "Didn't you say that the meteor is made of popcorn?" Baloo: "Yeah I... oh now I get it!" Fawn: "Wait... do you really think that they..." Tommy: "Why not, you saw how much those two can eat." Fawn: "Yeah but..." Tommy: "Trust me... this will work." meanwhile in space, Jokey & Jokeo were in the space pods, singing the muffin man song, until they see the meteor coming towards them. Jokey: "Hey look, some kind of planet or something... hey maybe that's where the Muffin man lives!" Jokeo: "Uh no Jokey, he lives on mulberry lane, remember?" Jokey: "Oh yeah." said the hyena twins, before landing on the meteor. Jokeo: "Hey, what is all this stuff?" Jokey: "It's popcorn." a moment of silence happened before the twins looked at each other with a big hungry smile on their faces. Jokey & Jokeo: "Let's eat it!" shouted the twins, before they started eating the meteor, until there was nothing left and landed right into the ship's front space window, where everyone inside could see them. Gidget: "Jokey!, Jokeo!" Tommy: "Are you guys okay?" Jokeo: "Oh... no more for me thanks... I'm full." said Jokeo, before he and Jokey let out a large burp. Jokey: "Excuse me." Rolly: "Wait... you're telling us that... you ate the meteor?!" Jokey: "We were really hungry." Patch: "Yeah but... how was that possible for you two to consume that popcorn in such a short time?" Tommy: "Simple really, when you're a Toon, you can make anything possible, as long as it's funny." Gidget: "Thank goodness... but we still don't have power." said Gidget, before the twins somehow got back inside and one of them noticed something. Jokey: "Hey guys look at this, there's an outlet plug here that's not plugged in." said Jokey, pointing at an outlet plug that was not plugged in. Gidget: "That's for the ship's engines!" Tommy: "Then let's plug it back in." said Tommy, before he and the others did that, and soon the ship's power was restored. Cadpig: "Yay!, we got the power back!" Fawn: "Thank goodness, now let's get back to Camp Disney." Baloo: "Good idea." Jokey: "Hey Jokeo, I just realized something..." Jokeo: "What's that?" Jokey: "Our dream of eating a snack food that's the size of a small planet came true today." Jokeo: "Hey you're right." Fawn: "And I'm happy to tell you that you both have earned a space badge for your heroics today." Jokey & Jokeo: "Hooray!" as the hyena twins were cheering, Gidget had a puzzled look on her face. Gidget: "I wonder how the plug got pulled out in the first place..." Tommy: "It probably doesn't matter, everything's okay now." said Tommy, before the ship heads back to it's home world. Unaware that they were being followed by the Demon trio in their own ship. ScreamClaw: "Get ready to attack on the count of 3..." ThunderSmacker: "Got it." SpaceWarp: "I guess..." suddenly, the ship went into light speed and vanished. ScreamClaw: "Where did they go?!" ThunderSmacker: "They must have set their ship to light speed." ScreamClaw: "In that case, let's set our ship to go in... ludicrous speed!" this made the other demon dragons to gasp in shock. SpaceWarp: "W-what?!, ludicrous speed?!, b-b-but we have never gone that fast before!" ThunderSmacker: "The ship might not be able to handle it." ScreamClaw: "Don't be chickens and let's prepare the ship for ludicrous speed!" ThunderSmacker: "Okay, but you might wanna buckle up." ScreamClaw: "Ah buckle this!, ludicrous speed, go!" called out ScreamClaw, before the demon dragons' ship went to ludicrous speed, which was so fast that the ship had gone to plaid, which passed the Camp Disney ship. Jokey: "What the heck was that?!" Gidget: "I don't know... but I think a ship just passed us" Jokeo: "They've gone to plaid..." Gidget: "They must have gone to ludicrous speed." Tommy: "But that's the kind of speed that only a lunatic would use." Patch: "Then I guess whoever owns that ship was a lunatic." back with the trio, they were having a hard time trying to stay on their seats. ScreamClaw: "We passed them!, stop this ship!" ThunderSmacker: "We can't stop!, it's too dangerous!, we got to slow down first!" ScreamClaw: "Fire balls!, just stop this thing!, I order you!, stop~!" screamed the leader of the trio, before ThunderSmacker finally got to the lever that stops the ship from going in ludicrous speed. Once the ship made a screeching stop, ScreamClaw was thrown out of his seat and crashed into the controls. SpaceWarp: "Uh... are you okay?" ScreamClaw: "...I hate my life..." ThunderSmacker: "He's fine." SpaceWarp: "So... back to the drawing board?" asked the black demon dragon to the blue one. ThunderSmacker: "Unfortunately... yes..."

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