Camp Disney BC

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It was a sunny day when Fawn took the kids to Camp Disney's own museum, to help them learn more about the past. Suddenly, Jokey scream by the sight of a large dinosaur skeleton. Jokey: "Another skeleton monster!" Jokeo: "Calm down Jokey, it's just a skeleton." Jokey: "What about those pirates?" Fawn: "I can assure you that this one is dead, those pirates were cursed by Genie's magic a long time ago." Tommy: "Speaking of Genie, where is he?" Fawn: "I believe he went out on a date with Eden." Jokey: "Who?" Jokeo: "Genie's wife, the one Genie mentioned in the last chapter." Jokey: "Oh!, that Eden." that was when a middle aged duck came to the scene, wearing an overcoat and specks, in line with his scholar motif. His name was Ludwig Van Drake (voiced by Corey Burton), and he was the scientist of Camp Disney. Ludwig: "Hello there, Ludwig Van Drake at your service." Fawn: "Hello Ludwig, what brings you here?" Ludwig: "I just came to show you my latest invention... a time machine!" this made the kids to gasp in amazement. Jokey: "Cool, now I can tell what time it is." Jokeo: "Uh Jokey, you're thinking of a clock, which was already invented." Jokey: "Oh." Ludwig: "He's right, and a time machine is a device that allows you to travel through time, either the past, present or future." Fawn: "Um... are you sure it works, or at least safe to use?" Ludwig: "Don't worry, last week I had a visit from my future self, which is about to happen right now." said the duck scientist, before getting on a large metal chair with lots of buttons and a lever, which he pulls before it vanishes without a trace. A few moments later, the time machine returns and so did the middle aged duck. Ludwig: "As you can see, I just had a chat with my past self to know that the time machine works." Tommy: "Can we try?" Ludwig: "Sure, just be careful not change anything in the past, for it could change the present and future." Jokey: "What's this button do?" Ludwig: "Wait!, don't touch that one!" but it was too late, Jokey already touched the button, and soon the Time machine, along with Tommy, Gidget, Jokey and Jokeo were gone. Ludwig: "This... could be a problem..." Fawn: "What do you mean?, where did they go?" Ludwig: "To the past... perhaps too far." Patch: "What do you mean?" Oliver: "How far exactly?" Ludwig: "Judging by the coordinates from my watch... I'd say 65 million years..." Fawn: "What?!, but that's the time of... the Dinosaurs!" this made the others kids to gulp. Meanwhile, the time machine arrives in the Dinosaur age, and the Toon kids were looking around. Tommy: "Whoa... this place sure looks primitive..." suddenly, a big dragonfly flew above the kids before leaving. Gidget: "I guess we're in a time before manners were invented." Jokeo: "Hey guys, look over there." said Jokeo, before pointing his finger at what looked like an Iguanodon with lemurs on it's back, drinking some water from a river not too far away. Gidget: "I know that creature... it's an Iguanodon, one of the first Dinosaurs to be discovered." Jokeo: "And those things on it's back?" Gidget: "Those look like lemurs." suddenly, they heard a mighty roar that spooked most of the Dinosaurs in the area, and it was not long before a large meat eating Dinosaur with horns showed up. Jokey: "Uh... is that a Demon dragon?" Gidget: "Yikes!, that's a Carnotaurus!, but how could it be?!, they don't normally come as big as a T-Rex!" Tommy: "I guess nobody ever told him that!" that was when the Carnotaurus sees the kids and starts chasing them. Fortunately they managed to find a place to hide, and once the carnivore was gone, they came out of hiding. Jokeo: "That was... too close..." Gidget: "We better get back to the present." Tommy: "Good idea." so they went back to the time machine, but for some reason, it was not working. Jokey: "Uh... the present looks just like the Dinosaur world." Jokeo: "We're still in the past!" Gidget: "What's going on?" Tommy: "I don't know, the time machine's not working!" Jokeo: "You mean... we're stuck here?!" said Jokeo, before he and Jokey started to run around and screaming in panic until Gidget used her psychic powers to lift them up and bopped both of them on the head. Gidget: "Quiet you two!, you'll attract predators." Jokey: "Oh, sorry." Jokeo: "Well we can look on the bright side, at least those demon creeps aren't here." suddenly, the Demon trio appeared and got the kids surrounded. Jokey: "You had to jinx it, didn't you?" Jokeo: "Sorry." Gidget: "How did you three get here?" ScreamClaw: "We were hiding under the time machine." SpaceWarp: "Which was not very comfortable..." ThunderSmacker: "But it's worth it as there's no one to save you this time." suddenly, the sound of thunder was heard, and rain started to pour down, much to the Demon trio's dismay as the water was painful to them. They tried to use the time machine to get back to the present, but once again it was not working. Tommy: "I don't understand why it's not working, Mr Van Drake didn't had any problems before." Jokey: "Hey look, there's a plug on it." said Jokey, as he points at what looked like an outlet plug on the time machine. ScreamClaw: "Are you telling me that this is a time machine that has to be plugged in?!" suddenly, the Carnotaurus from before showed up, chasing the Iguanodon with the lemurs right towards the group. ThunderSmacker: "Great!, like things weren't bad enough!" SpaceWarp: "Guys... keep it down..." ScreamClaw: "What's the point?, we're all doomed anyway!, I mean where are we gonna find any electricity in Dinosaur times?!" screamed the red demon dragon, before a lightning bolt hits him and the outlet plug, which gives the Time Machine enough power to travel back to the present. Back at the museum, Fawn was not happy to learn about a certain flaw in the time machine. Fawn: "You built a time machine that has to be plugged in?!" Ludwig: "I'll admit that was not the best idea, I just didn't think about going to time periods where there was no electricity." Baloo: "We got to get them back." Rolly: "But how?, we don't have the time machine." suddenly, the time machine reappeared, along with the Toon kids and the Demon trio. ScreamClaw was covered in smoke from the lightning bolt and was still holding the outlet plug. Fawn: "Kids!, thank goodness you're all okay." Tommy: "Sorry if we made you worried." suddenly, Marie and the other kids screamed in fear. Gidget: "What's wrong?" Jokeo: "Maybe they got scared of seeing the demon creeps." Jokey: "Or maybe the Carnotaurus guy that came back with us." Tommy: "Wait... what?!" said Tommy, before seeing that the Time machine not only brought him and his friends back to the present, but also the Carnotaurus as well. Suddenly, a cage came out of nowhere and trapped the meat eating Dinosaur. Patch: "Huh?" Cadpig: "Where did that come from?" asked the puppies, when Genie came to the scene, wearing some sort of cave man outfit. Genie: "Hey guys, guess what, me and Eden were in the Stone age and invented fire there... so uh, what's with the Dinosaurs here?" Fawn: "Dinosaurs?, as in more than one?" asked Fawn, before she noticed the Iguanodon with the lemurs next to the time machine. Genie: "Looks like you guys had some prehistoric experience yourselves." Baloo: "Yeah, no kidding." Ludwig: "Great, and it seems that the time machine is no longer functional, which means these creatures are stuck here for a while." suddenly, ScreamClaw grabs the duck's neck, and steam was coming out of his nostrils in anger. ScreamClaw: "Are you the one who built this machine?, the one that nearly got me eaten or made a lightning rod out of me?" Ludwig: "Uh... yes?" ScreamClaw: "In that case... I'm gonna..." before ScreamClaw could finish however, he and the other demon dragons vanished, due to Genie using his magic to send them away. Genie: "I got two words for that guy, 'anger management', am I right?" Ludwig: "No kidding." Baloo: "So uh... what are we gonna do with them?" asked Baloo, pointing at the two Dinosaurs and lemurs. Fawn: "We could build enclosures for them, they could be a good way to help kids learn what Dinosaurs were like when they were alive." Tommy: "That could work, and Genie could use his magic to make the enclosures." Genie: "Sure, that's gonna be a piece of cake for me." some time later, thanks to Genie's magic and all that, the enclosures were built and the two Dinosaurs were in their new home, and the lemurs were living in a big tree in the Iguanodon enclosure. Oliver: "So tell me Tommy, what's it like in the Dinosaur times?" Tommy: "I'll tell you this, it's a cool place to visit, but I sure don't want to live there." Gidget: "You could say that again." Jokey: "That again." Gidget: "What?" Jokey: "What?" Jokeo: "Will you stop copying?!" Jokey: "Sorry." Oliver: "Hey Miss Fawn, what's the name of the badge that has to do with time travel and collecting Dinosaurs?" Fawn: "Uh... I'm not sure... as I wasn't expecting that we would actually have Dinosaurs here in a Summer camp." Ludwig: "Well Camp Disney is not what you call a normal summer camp." Fawn: "That's for sure." this made everyone to laugh, before looking at the Dinosaurs again.

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