A puppy's home on the range

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It was a hot day when the kids were in the middle of a desert, but a different kind as it seemed like the kind you would see in the old west. Fawn: "Alright kids, we're almost there." Tommy: "Almost where?" Fawn: "A place called Patch of Heaven." Patch: "Wait... that's the farm where me and my siblings live!" Fawn: "That's right, I thought it would be a good place to help you kids learn about farm life, and to help you earn your western badges." Marie: "You mean... we have to get our hands dirty?" Fawn: "Well if you want to get something done, you got to work hard." Marie: "Oh man..." Cadpig: "Don't worry, it's not all that bad when you get used to it." Rolly: "I wonder if we'll see our parents there..." Patch: "Only one way to find out." said Patch, as he and the others continued to follow Fawn until they arrived to Patch of Heaven. Once they got there, they see a note on the house door, saying that the pups' parents were away to do some business and won't be back until next week. Oliver: "I guess we won't see your folks here, huh?" Patch: "No... but we can still take a look around, and I wonder if Thunderbolt's on now..." Tommy: "Isn't that your favorite TV show?" Patch: "That's right, and I always wanted to be a one of a kind wonder-dog like him." Rolly: "You gotta get that bark of yours not to sound like a squeaky toy first." said Rolly, before he started laughing which made Patch to lower his head in shame. Cadpig then grabbed Rolly by the shirt to make sure he sees her glaring at him. Cadpig: "What did I tell you about making fun of Patch's bark?" Rolly: "Uh... never make fun of it?" Cadpig: "Right... so watch that mouth of yours..." said Cadpig, before letting go of Rolly, who was taking deep breaths to calm himself down from his scary moment with his sister. Marie: "You really love Patch, don't ya?" Cadpig: "He's the best big brother I could ever have, and I can't stand the thought of someone making fun of him or his bark." Gidget: "Hey... where's Jokey & Jokeo?" Fawn: "What... oh no... not again!" turns out that the hyena twins got themselves lost in the desert, and they were being watched by the Demon trio. ScreamClaw: "You got the paint ready?" ThunderSmacker: "Indeed I have." SpaceWarp: "Are you sure this is gonna work?" ScreamClaw: "Of course, watch." said ScreamClaw, before painting a tunnel on a rocky wall with a pair of pretty hyena girls holding a pair of ice cream cones. SpaceWarp then puts a large rock on top of the rocky wall. ScreamClaw: "Once those two see this painting, they slammed into it, which will make the rock up there to fall on top of them." ThunderSmacker: "Here they come." so the Demon trio went to hide themselves just as the twins see the painting. Jokey: "Wow!, check out those girls!" Jokeo: "Hey wait for me!" once the twins got the painting, the pretty hyena girls moved and the hyenas ran through the painting like it was a real tunnel, much the Demon trio's surprise. ScreamClaw: "What?!" ThunderSmacker: "How did..." SpaceWarp: "I guess the painting has a different effect on Toons." ScreamClaw: "Nuts!" shouted ScreamClaw, before punching the wall, which makes the rock to fall on top of the trio instead. Elsewhere, the rest of the kids were looking for the Hyena twins, when they see some train tracks. Tommy: "Jokey?, Jokeo?, where are you guys?" that was when they see the twins, who were eating a pair of ice cream cones. Jokey: "Hey guys, what did we miss?" Gidget: "Where did you get those?" Jokeo: "You mean the ice cream cones?, a pair of hyena girls gave them to us." Berlioz: "Really?, where are they now?" Jokey: "Where are who now?" Toulouse: "The girls who gave you the ice cream cones." Jokeo: "Oh, no idea, they vanished once we went through a tunnel." Rolly: "Maybe they saw a mirage." Fawn: "But how does that explains the ice cream?" Rolly: "Oh... no clue." suddenly, they heard the sound of an incoming train, and the Demon trio were the ones driving it. ScreamClaw: "There they are!" Berlioz: "Oh not those guys again!" said Berlioz, before SpaceWarp appears in front of the kids and grabs Cadpig in his claws before wrapping back to the train. Patch: "Sis!" Cadpig: "Patch!, help!" Patch: "I'm coming!" said Patch, before jumping on one of the train's freight cars and runs towards the train, much to everyone's shock. Fawn: "Patch no!" Rolly: "Don't be a hero!" Tommy: "We gotta help him!" Gidget: "You're right!, hurry guys!" Fawn: "Kids wait!" said Fawn, but it was too late as the train already left the area. Patch was about to enter the train when he sees ScreamClaw in front of him. ScreamClaw: "Well, if it isn't a little puppy trying to play hero." said ScreamClaw, as he was holding a long piece of rope, which gives Patch an idea in his head. The little puppy used his mouth to grab the end of the rope and runs in circles to wrap up the demon dragon. Cadpig: "Whoa... he's doing the same trick Thunderbolt used to beat Dirty Dawson!" said Cadpig, before getting untied by her brother and the two puppies jumped off the train. ThunderSmacker: "Oh come on!" SpaceWarp: "Uh guys... we got a problem..." ThunderSmacker: "What do you mean?" asked the blue demon dragon, before SpaceWarp points his claw at a large rocky wall in front of the railway. ScreamClaw: "Oh... nuts..." said ScreamClaw, before the train crashes into the wall, causing an explosion that sends the Demon trio flying out of the scene. It was not long before Patch and Cadpig got back to the group, who were really happy to see them again. Fawn: "Thank goodness you're both okay." Patch: "Sorry if we worried you." Fawn: "It's okay, I'm just happy you're both safe." Cadpig: "I just wished that you guys saw what Patch did, he pulled a Thunderbolt on that red Demon creep by using a rope to tie him up!, it was amazing!" Oliver: "Wow, sounds like Patch became a real one of a kind wonder dog like his idol." Cadpig: "Correction, he was always a one of a kind wonder dog... to my eyes anyway." said Cadpig, before giving a big hug to Patch, who returned the hug, which touched the hearts of the others. Fawn: "Well Patch, I think your heroics today are proof that you have earned your western badge." Patch: "Thanks." Kids: "Hooray!" cheered the children.

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