Toon Fox vs MegaTrog

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It was night when the Demon trio were hiding in their cave, trying to recover from Gidget's psychic rage. ScreamClaw: "Great... we were so close that time!, and it got ruined all because that pink kitten happens to be a princess!" SpaceWarp: "Well... it could have been a lot w-worse." ScreamClaw: "I don't see how!" that was when ThunderSmacker sees a large blue stone that was glowing and soon picked it up. ScreamClaw gasped in shock as he knew what it was. ScreamClaw: "T-that's... the stone we used to allow us to merge and become MegaTrog!... at long last I found it!" ThunderSmacker: "What do you mean that 'you' found it?!, I was the one who found it!" ScreamClaw: "Whatever, now that we got this back, we can become MegaTrog again, and finally be able to destroy those brats once and for all!" and so all three grabbed the stone at the same time, and once they did, the stone started to glow even more bright and the trio vanished by the bright light. Once the light started to fade, a large gray colored Demon dragon appeared, with a long rat like tail with a blade on the end, an iron mask covering the face, and large red and black wings. It was MegaTrog (voiced by Tim Curry), and he was ready for revenge as his red eyes began to glow while looking at a certain summer camp at the horizon. In the morning, the kids were feeding Aladar the Iguanodon, the Dinosaur besides Diablo the Carnotaurus that came to the present day, with some leaves. That was when Baloo came to the scene. Baloo: "I see that you kids are enjoying feeding Aladar." Gidget: "We sure are, he's really friendly." Cadpig: "I still can't believe that we have a real Dinosaur in our summer camp." Marie: "What I still can't believe is that Gidget is a princess." Gidget: "Yeah, there's a lot of secrets about me." Marie: "Like..." Gidget: "If I tell you, it wouldn't be a secret." Oliver: "Hey uh... where's Jokey & Jokeo?" Patch: "Yeah, should they be here?" suddenly, a cartoonish looking car showed up, with Genie, Jokey & Jokeo on the back seats while Tommy was behind the wheel. Tommy: "Look out!" shouted Tommy, before he and the car passed the others. Gidget: "What the?!" that was when Fawn showed up, placing her hands on her knees while catching her breath. Fawn: "Oh man, I told Genie that teaching Tommy how to drive was not a good idea!" Baloo: "Where are they going?" Fawn: "With any luck, nothing too dangerous." meanwhile, the Toon Fox, the Hyena twins and Genie were still in the car and driving like crazy. But if that wasn't bad enough, the Demon trio showed up, chasing them in the air. ScreamClaw was flying right towards the car at the front while the other two demon dragons were behind the car. Genie: "Pull the lever!" Jokey: "Which one?!" Jokeo: "Which one?!" said the twins, as they were having a hard time finding the lever as there were so many buttons in front of them. Suddenly, a sign came up, pointing to a lever reading 'this lever stupid'. Tommy pulls the lever, making the car spring up with them and the wheels were still on the ground, only extended. The demon trio looked shocked and bugged eyed as they crashed into each other as the group escaped. Tommy: "That's gotta hurt." Genie: "Hey kids, what do you call the middle of a song?" Tommy: "Gee, I don't know, what?" Jokeo: "A bridge!" Jokey: "Wow, you know what it is." Jokeo: "No!, I mean a bridge!" they looked up ahead to see a bridge coming up. Fortunately, the car made it over the bridge and lowered the wheels back to normal. Genie: "That was close." Tommy: "No kidding." suddenly, MegaTrog lands in front of them, forcing Tommy to hit the brakes to stop the car just in the nick of time. MegaTrog: "Toon Fox, I have a score to settle with you boy." Jokey: "Hold on!, this is our best friend!" Jokeo: "And we won't let you lay a finger on him while we're here!" MegaTrog: "Don't mess with me boys, you're no match for me." Genie: "Leave them alone!" MegaTrog: "Ah, Genie, it's been a while since we last saw each other." Tommy: "Wait, you two know each other?" Genie: "Yeah, he's the one who tricked me to become a genie a long time ago, his name's MegaTrog, the dragon devil." MegaTrog: "You wanted phenomenal cosmic powers, I just granted you that." it was not long before the other kids and grown ups came to the scene and were shocked to see MegaTrog in front of the Toon car. Rolly: "Whoa!, that guy is huge!" Oliver: "He must be the boss of those Demon dragon creeps." MegaTrog: "Actually, I am the demon trio, but as a combination version thanks to the demon stone I got back." Genie: "But didn't you lose it after your battle against Boney 10?" MegaTrog: "I did, but last night, my trio selves found it and now I'm back." suddenly, a large cage appears and it traps the kids and the grown ups. Turns out that MegaTrog set it up, and it was not long before Tommy and the others see that, much to their horror. Tommy: "Hey!, leave them alone!" MegaTrog: "You shouldn't have messed with me boy, now you and everyone you cared about will pay the price." Tommy: "Wait... let's make a deal." this got everyone's attention, including MegaTrog himself. MegaTrog: "A deal?" Tommy: "I challenge you to a dual, if I win, you have to leave me and my friends alone." MegaTrog: "But what if I win?" Tommy: "If you win... you get me." ThunderSmacker: "That's a good deal to me." MegaTrog: "Hmm... alright, it's a deal." said MegaTrog, before he and Tommy shook hands, much to everyone's shock. Oliver: "Tommy wait!" Patch: "You don't stand a chance against him!" Tommy: "But if I don't try, he'll have all of us." Gidget: "Tommy... in case if this is the end... I just want you to know... if I wanted a future mate... I would choose you." Tommy: "Uh... future mate?" that was when Genie placed his hand on Tommy's ear and whispered something that made the fox to bugged eyed and yelp in shock. MegaTrog: "Well?, are you gonna battle me or not?" Tommy: "Huh?, oh!, yeah, I'm ready." MegaTrog: "Good, I don't have all day." and so the battle began, and it was tough for Tommy as MegaTrog was not only strong, but also has transformation powers. Of course Tommy managed to get the upper hand for a few moments, thanks to his Toon powers and stuff like that. That was when MegaTrog catches Tommy with his tail, and the fox was struggling to free himself. MegaTrog: "Foolish boy, did you really think that you could defeat the most powerful demon ever?!, you would have to be a genie or at least a demon that's more powerful than me!" the moment he heard that, Tommy got an idea in his head that might help him win the battle. Tommy: "You're right, you can't beat Genie if he was the one fighting you." MegaTrog: "What?!" Tommy: "You said it yourself, I would have to be a genie myself to beat you, and since you're not a genie, you can't beat him!" MegaTrog: "Fool!, I can transform into many creatures, including a genie!" Tommy: "Alright then, prove it." MegaTrog: "Oh I will, watch!" said MegaTrog, before he uses his powers to turn himself into a genie, which was a sight that scared everyone. Genie: "Tommy!, why did you made him do that?!" Tommy: "Trust me!" MegaTrog: "Now face your doom! [then some gold cuffs appeared on his arms with glowing chains pulling him down] what?!" Tommy: "I think you should know what's happening, you became a genie, a one with his own prison of a lamp." this made MegaTrog to gasp in shock and horror as he sees a black lamp appearing and it was sucking him inside it. MegaTrog: "You tricked me!" Tommy: "You messed with my friends, you mess with me Mega creep." MegaTrog: "No~~~!" screamed MegaTrog, before he was trapped inside his lamp, unable to get out. Tommy: "Genies might be very powerful, but they got no freedom without their master's wishing them out." Genie: "Tommy, you little genius." that was when they hear voices of the demon trio, who were back to being a trio again once they got inside the lamp. ScreamClaw: "Get your wings out of my face!" ThunderSmacker: "Oh shut up you moron!" ScreamClaw: "Don't tell me to shut up!" SpaceWarp: "P-please... my ears hurt from all the yelling in h-here." that was when the cage vanishes, freeing everyone inside. Oliver: "Wow... he won..." Patch: "Yeah..." Berlioz: "Alright!" Toulouse: "Way to go Tommy!" Cadpig: "You were awesome out there!" Jokey: "I wasn't worried, were you?" Jokeo: "Nope, as we have... Hakuna Matata." that was when Genie takes a hold on MegaTrog's lamp while wearing a baseball cap. Genie: "A few thousand years inside a cave should chill them out." said Genie, before he throws the lamp into the sky, which sends it to who knows where to make sure the demon trio won't do anymore harm for a very long time. That was when Gidget walks up to Tommy, who was blushing at bit as he remembered what Genie told him what Gidget said earlier. Tommy: "Gidget... did you really mean that you want me to be your future mate?" Gidget: "Of course, you the one boy who's heart is more pure than any I've ever met... and you have always been there for me when I needed help... if you don't me, I can understand that... it's so suddenly and..." Tommy: "Actually... I have something to tell you... I kind of had the same feelings about you too for some time now..." Gidget: "Y-you mean it?!" Tommy: "Yeah... so uh... perhaps when we're older, do you think that you and I could... have a date?" this made Gidget to gasp in shock and joy before wrapping her arms around Tommy and giving the fox some kisses on the cheek, which makes Tommy to have his whole head turn more red than it was before. Fawn: "Well I think Tommy has just earned himself a hero badge." Baloo: "Is that a thing?" Fawn: "It is now." seeing Gidget and Tommy together, made Marie decided to make her move on a certain orange kitten. Marie: "You know Oliver, we could have a date as well once we're old enough." Oliver: "Uh... we can?" Marie: "Uh huh, if you like." Oliver: "Well, sure." this made Marie happy, and to give Oliver a kiss on the cheek, which made him have his head to turn red like Tommy's. The sight of course made Toulouse and Berlioz to have grossed out looks on their faces as they found it yucky. Then, Tommy, Gidget and everyone else looked up and see the beautiful night sky, as the battle with MegaTrog lasted longer than they thought. The scene shows the beautiful full moon, before it started to laugh with Genie's face on it. Then Genie himself pops out of the story's film and looks at the readers. Genie: "Ha!, made you look!" said Genie, before placing the story's film back into place as the chapter ends.

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