Camp Disney Bloopers

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In some studio, a very old looking demon dragon that was holding a wooden cane came to the scene. It was in fact Boney 10 (voiced by Mel Brooks), the good demon dragon, and was looking at the viewers of the story here. Boney 10: "Hello everyone, I'm Boney 10, a good demon dragon, unlike MegaTrog or the Demon trio appeared in Toon Story, and speaking of which, welcome to this Toon Story's bloopers, that's right, we didn't managed to get this made right on our first try, but it does give you something to laugh about, that's for sure, by the way, roll 'em!" said Boney 10, before the screen changed to show some of the bloopers and outtakes from the story here. The first is the scene when the MegaTrog got prank called, but instead of water, some gold money came out of the phone. MegaTrog: "Uh... was that in the script?" he tried again and this time, some party confetti came out of the phone. ThunderSmacker: "That's differently not the water department." SpaceWarp: "Nope..." ScreamClaw: "That's for sure..." they tried it once again, only this time, a pair of fingers poked ScreamClaw in the eyes. MegaTrog: "Ah!" SpaceWarp: "You just g-got stooge." MegaTrog: "Shut up!" the scene changed and now it was the scene when the kids were in the bus. Suddenly, Jokey let out a huge burp that shook the whole bus like an earthquake. Jokey: "Whew!, I don't remember eating that." director: "Cut!" Patch: "I can't believe this!" Toulouse: "That's the fifth take in this scene!" Jokey: "Sorry, I had that big bean burrito for lunch, I'm okay now, sorry." the scene changed to the moment when the train was going really fast on the rails, when it suddenly started to fly and was covered in gold dust. Director: "Cut!, who brought Tinkerbell here?" the scene now changes to when Genie got a hold of the demon trio's lamp, when a bobcat like toon puts handcuffs on the lamp's handle. It was in fact Bonkers D Bobcat (voiced by Jim Cummings), and he's a police toon officer. Bonkers: "Alright you three, you're under arrest for attempting to harm children and Fawn my beloved." Fawn: "Um, Bonkers?, what are you doing here?, you're not in this story." Bonkers: "I'm not?" Fawn: "No, look at the script." said Fawn, before showing Bonkers the script. Bonkers: "Ha, ha... oops." said Bonkers in a nervous way while having an embarrassed smile on his face. Director: "Cut!" they tried again of Genie taking the lamp of the demon trio, only this time it was taken away by a female genie with green skin. It was in fact Eden (voiced by Debi Derryberry), and she kicked it with her foot. Eden: "That's for trying to mess with my man demons!" Genie: "Um Eden, you're not in this scene." Eden: "I know, but should I at least get involve in this story somehow besides being mentioned?" Genie: "Good point." Director: "Cut!" the scene now changes to when Tommy was getting ready to sing the last song of the story. Tommy: "Speaking of which, I think I feel a song coming on." of course one of the instruments, in this case a clarinet, fell right into Tommy's mouth and he accidentally swallowed it, causing him to make some off key sounds from the clarinet. Gidget: "Tommy, are you okay?!" Tommy: "I think... e-e-e-e-h!... so... e-e-e-e-h!, but... e-e-e-e-h!, not so sure about... e-e-e-e-h!, the notes here... e-e-e-e-h!" Director: "Cut!" the scene now changes to when Genie comes out of his lamp for the first time and he was wearing some underwear on his head. Tommy: "Um..." Genie: "Don't ask." Director: "Cut!" the scene now changes to when the kids were in space and Jokey & Jokeo were just about about finished eating the meteor. But then they crashed through the ship's space window and knocked over the camera. Jokey: "Ooh... I don't think that was supposed to happen, right?" Jokeo: "Uh, no..." Jokey: "Me neither." Director: "Cut!, let's use plexiglass this time." the scene now changes to when the kids were at the medieval fair and the girls kept tripping on their dresses. Gidget: "Ugh... this is one of the reasons why I don't normally wear something that hides most of my legs." Director: "Cut!" the scene now changes to when ScreamClaw orders SpaceWarp to pull the lever to the secret lab. ScreamClaw: "Pull the lever!" but once SpaceWarp pulls the lever, a large stone fist falls on top of the red demon dragon. SpaceWarp: "Uh..." ScreamClaw: "Wrong lever... ow..." they tried again with the lever, only this time, a large fish with teeth fell from above and takes a bite on ScreamClaw's tail, ScreamClaw: "Ow!, ow!, the other lever!" once again they tried the lever, only this time, a large vase falls on top of the red demon dragon, who was now inside it. ScreamClaw: "Um... other lever maybe?" the scene now changes to when the snail eating contest between the demon trio and the hyena twins, and both sides started to turn green and fainted. Jokey: "Oh... bad snails..." Director: "Cut!, somebody get them have their stomachs pumped!" the scene now changes to when Tommy, Gidget, Jokey & Jokeo went to the past, but instead of the age of dinosaurs, they were in the ice age, surrounded by mammoths. Director: "Cut!, you were supposed to be in the dinosaur age!" Tommy: "N-now he tells us..." the scene now changes to when Gidget kissed Heartless Tommy to break the spell he was under, only to see that Tommy somehow turned into a human boy that looked like Ash Ketchum from Pokemon. Tommy: "What the?!" Gidget: "Uh... that wasn't in the script right?" Director: "Cut!" the scene now changes to when Jokey & Jokeo were doing some jokes. Jokeo: "I once heard of a guy with a wooden leg named Smith." Jokey: "Really?, what's the name of his other leg?" this made both the twins to laugh while the others rolled their eyes in annoyance. Director: "Cut!" the changes once again to when Tommy and Gidget confessed their feelings for each other. Tommy: "Yeah... so uh... perhaps when we're older, do you think that you and I could... um what's my last line again?" this made everyone to laugh and the director told him that the last lines are 'have a date'. Tommy: "Sorry, I keep forgetting." Director: "Okay, cut!, let's try again." and now the scene goes back to Boney 10, who was sitting on a chair. Boney 10: "Well folks, I hope you liked this story and the bloopers here." and that's when the rest of the cast of the story came in. Tommy: "Have a nice day everyone!" Gidget: "May your wishes come true too." All: "Bye!"


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