Toons of the round table

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It was close to evening when Camp Disney was having a medieval fair, which had pie eating contests, knights jousting, even a sword in a stone. Everyone was wearing medieval outfits, like Tommy, Patch, Oliver dressed up as knights, Toulouse, Berlioz and the Hyena twins were wearing jester outfits, Rolly wearing a monk outfit, and the girls were wearing princess dresses. Gidget: "I really love this purple dress, it really fits me." Cadpig: "My blue princess dress looks great too." Marie: "But my pink princess dress is the best." Rolly: "They all look the same to me." Jokeo: "Yeah, the only difference about them are the colors." Jokey: "And don't they have the same color as your normal outfits?" Tommy: "So what?, your outfits are the same but the color." Jokey: "Oh yeah." Patch: "Looks like this fair has everything, the contests, the jousting, the sword..." Jokey: "But there's no castle." Jokeo: "And shouldn't there be dragons too?" Toulouse: "You mean the Demon creeps?" Jokeo: "No I mean actual dragons." suddenly, the Demon trio appeared, and they did not look happy. ScreamClaw: "What do you mean actual dragons?!, we're dragons too!, just demon ones." Gidget: "Oh great... them again..." Berlioz: "Why can't you guys go bother someone else?, we're trying to enjoy the fair here." ThunderSmacker: "In case you forgotten, you prank called us and made fools out of us since the beginning of this summer, we won't stop until you paid the price." SpaceWarp: "He's right... there's a reason we demon dragons are feared throughout the land." Tommy: "Yet you can't handle water?" Patch: "Or handle Dinosaurs?" Oliver: "Or even Cadpig's wrath?" that last comment made the trio to shiver as they still remember the incident they had with the female puppy in the jungle. ScreamClaw: "That was in the past, but now witness this!" said ScreamClaw, before drinking some kind of potion that changed him into a large medieval dragon version of himself, ready to attack the group. Jokey: "Uh... he couldn't do that before... right?" Tommy: "Run!" said the young Toon Fox, before he and the other kids make a run for it, trying to escape from the claws of the now big red medieval dragon. ScreamClaw managed to catch Gidget, Marie and Cadpig in his palm, before flying off to what looked like some sort of tower. Jokey: "Um... was that tower always there?" Jokeo: "Never mind that, the girls are in trouble!" Oliver: "We gotta help them!" Rolly: "How?" Tommy: "Hey, I got an idea." said Tommy, before telling the others about his plan. At the tower, ThunderSmacker and SpaceWarp were guarding the doors when a pizza delivery boy (Tommy in disguise) came to the scene. Tommy: "Pizza delivery!" ThunderSmacker: "Well, I'm not into mortal food much, but the pizza's not bad." SpaceWarp: "Hey... did we even order any pizza?" ThunderSmacker: "Now that you mention it... no." SpaceWarp: "What kind of pizza is it?" Tommy: "It's pizza from the water department." said Tommy, before he opens the pizza box, and out came the boys, holding water guns. They fired the water guns and the demon dragons were in pain by the water, while Tommy and the others got inside the tower and went up to the room where the girls were being kept. Gidget: "Tommy!" Marie: "Oliver!" Cadpig: "Patch!" Rolly: "Um... we're here too." said Rolly, who was pointing at himself and the other boys that the girls didn't mention. Gidget: "Oh right, sorry, we're happy to see you too." suddenly, ScreamClaw, still in his medieval dragon form removed the tower's roof and was glaring at the children. ScreamClaw: "It's the end for you brats!" Tommy: "Okay, you win, but can I ask you something?, would you like your boys to shoot us now or wait till you get home?" ScreamClaw: "Shoot 'em now boys!, shoot 'em now!" Tommy: "Will you calm down?!, they don't have to shoot you now!" ScreamClaw: "They do so have to shoot me now!, so shoot me now boys!" yelled ScreamClaw, before the other demon dragons aimed their pitch forks at their leader and fired. ScreamClaw's head was now a skeleton with eyeballs, before he snap his fingers to restore his face. ScreamClaw: "Ha, ha!, very funny!, ha, ha, ha, ha!" said ScreamClaw in a sarcastic tone in his voice. Rolly: "Can we go now?" ScreamClaw: "No!, especially not after I drink this potion!" said ScreamClaw, before drinking another potion, suddenly... poof!, ScreamClaw turned back to his normal form, but with one small difference. Berlioz: "Um... what's with the dress?" said the black kitten, which made ScreamClaw to look down and gasp in shock and horror to see that he was now in a princess dress. SpaceWarp: "I think he took the wrong potion." ThunderSmacker: "You think?" ScreamClaw: "I hate this fanfiction story!" screamed the red demon dragon, before he and the other demons made a retreat. Once the kids were back to the camp, Tommy thought about making a good shish-kebab out of the sword in the stone, so he grabs it and pulls it right out of the stone, which surprises everyone. Fawn: "Wow Tommy, you managed to pull the sword." Tommy: "Oh, so I did." said Tommy, before he started to giggle in delight.

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