Chapter - 11

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Author's POV
Ishan keep staring blankly at particular nothing with an expressionless face, it's like everything around him has faded. He didn't have that cheerful around him.

His mind keep replaying the club incident like broken tape. He didn't even realise that he was crying. He only realise it when he felt something wet on his cheeks. He hurriedly wiped them.

He was laying on his bed right now, yes Everyone has returned home except Shubhman.

And ishan is deep down worried for other's where being, as Shubhman was not in a good shape when he left him outside infront of car.

Ishan checked the time, it's showing 1:00 A.M, ishan was about to call him but stopped when he heard door opening.

Ishan hurriedly closed his eyes and turn other side, facing the wall. He clenched his bedsheet when he heard footsteps approaching.

The empty side of his bed dipped, and Shubhman slipped next to ishan and placed his arm round Ishan's waist to back cuddle him.

But something inside him broke, when he heard ishan's next sentence.

"Shubhman, go back to your bed.." Ishan said coldly, not even turning to look at shubhman.

It's feels so foreign to hear his full name from Ishan's mouth, and that cold voice hurted him more than any knife wound ever could.

Shubhman placed a sweet and gentle kiss on nape of Ishan's neck and took his hand back from Ishan's waist.

"Good night baby.." Shubhman mumbled while he voice cracked a little.

Then he get up and lay down on his own bed, back facing ishan's bed. He let his tears fall from his eyes, wetting the pillow.

"For you, i'm ready to get hurt a million times..." Shubhman thought to himself.

Ishan was no different, he hide his face in pillow and start sobbing silently while clutching his heart.

There is saying,

          when you smile because of         
         Someone, it's a special feeling but
           When you cry for someone,
                    ~~ It's LOVE !!~~
Next day
Everyone can sense the tension between their youngsters. Both of them are unusually quite.

It's kind of wierd and shocking to see both of them like this. For the first time, anyone wasn't laughing or bickering on breakfast table.

Ishan wasn't eating, he just keep playing with food as if thinking something deeply

"Um..Rohit bhaiya?" Finally ishan called for rohit's attention.

"Yeah.." Rohit replied, and look back at ishan.

Ishan took a deep breath and said,

"I want to go back patna.."

As his words falls, the spoon from Shubhman's hand fell down making a loud clang sound.

Shubhman stare at ishan with hurt evident in his eyes, ishan can feel Shubhman's graze on himself but didn't look back at him.

"But why?" Everyone shouted in unison except Shubhman who was too shocked to say anything.

"It's nothing serious bhaiya, just want spend some time with my family...I kinda miss them..." Ishan said and tried gave them a smile,to ease their worry a little.

Before anyone could ask anything, Shubhman suddenly get up from his chair and walked to ishan.

He was thinking about giving some time to ishan before talking things out but looks likes now he directly have skip to talking part.

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