Chapter - 13

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Author's POV

Shubhman stared at sleeping face of ishan. He took his sweet time in tracing every little detail of Ishan's face by his eyes. He can do this for hours and still won't get tired of staring at ishan.

He gently sucked on Ishan's already swollen lips,making ishan move a little in sleep. Shubhman pulled away, not wanting to disturb Ishan's sleep.

Suddenly he heard a faint knock on his door, he gently pulled away from Ishan's grasp and put a pillow on his place. Ishan immediately snuggled to the soft pillow in his sleep.

Shubhman then walked to door and opened the door slowly, he frowned when he saw Rohit infront of door.

"What happened bhaiya? Do you need something?" Shubhman asked while coming out of room and closing the door behind.

Rohit stare at him with a awkward smile, while Shubhman patiently waited for rohit to speak.

"I can't do this...i'm captain for god sake..." Rohit thought and was about to turn his heels to go back but stopped when Virat's warning ringed in his mind.

"If you come back without talking things out with Shubhman, then I will not open the door for you..."

Fuck captain's pride, He don't want to sleep in living room, thinking this he faced Shubhman again who is giving him a confused look.

"Look i'm not going to beat around the bush..let me get straight to thisz I'm sorry for overreacting in field today..." Rohit said everything in one go.

Shubhman laughed a little at rohit's tensed expressions.

"Bhaiya you are our captain, and i'm not angry or anything at you, I know you only want best for me and whole team, so chill..." Shubhman said while smiling softly.

Rohit immediately felt a lot lighter, and a small smile appeared on his lips.

"So we are cool now?" Rohit asked.

To which Shubhman hugged him, rohit looked a little startled but hugged him back and patted his back.

"Ofcourse virat bhai won't scold you.." Shubhman said while teasing and pulled away from hug.

Rohit immediately scowled at him and smacked his head.

" yeah yeah, you are his favourite child after all, he always support you and scolds me because of you..." Rohit huffed irritatedly.

Suddenly rohit's phone ringed. He checked the caller id and Shubhman can tell by the look on rohit's face that it's his wife, ritika.

"I need to take this call,..." Rohit said, earning a nod from Shubhman.

Rohit patted his shoulder for one last time and went away from there while talking on the phone.

Shubhman opened the door and walked inside, only to find ishan wide awake, sitting on the bed with his messy bed hairs.

"Where did you go leaving me alone on our bed? " Ishan asked while rubbing his eyes.

Shubhman get on the bed, and held Ishan's hand, stopping him from rubbing his eyes more.

"Don't rub it or else your eyes will turn redish...." Shubhman said softly.

Ishan hummed, still looking half sleepy. Shubhman kissed his forehead tenderly.

"Wake up baby...Let's go out for dinner" shubhman said.

Within a second, Ishan's sleepiness went flying away from the window. He immediately become excited, before giving a flirty look to shubhman.

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