Chapter - 21

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Author's POV

As it was already August, whole team is practicing like horse as Asia cup is approaching. They can't afford any laxity in practice.

It's extra special for Shubman and ishan as it's their first asia cup, they want to do their best in field during matches, so they are putting more efforts in practice.

Even right now, when others are taking resting after practice, Shubman is still busy with running around field.

Everyone knows Shubman's passion and hardwork towards cricket. But Shubman always thinks like he is not doing enough, making ishan and others worried.

"Shub please stop over doing yourself, to perform well in match you first need to stay fit,..." Ishan shouted worriedly from sitting area.

"But I don't want to mess-" Shubman started but virat didn't let him complete.

"No buts...don't force me to come there and break your legs with my bat, you stubborn kid. Now you decide either walking here on your own legs or on wheelchair..." Virat threatened while pointing his bat at him.

Shubman stopped running and let out a defeated sigh, after all who can he against The virat kohli, so at end and walked to others before sitting there.

"Ouch...stop didn't you just said i need to stay fit, then why are you beating me?" Shubman hissed in pain as Ishan smacked his head hard.

Ishan just huffed at him before handing him a water bottle, which shub took with a smile.

"You deserve it.." Rohit commented, referring to Ishan's smack.

"Whatever bhaiya..." Shubman replied while drinking water.

And ishan took a small towel, then start wiping Shubman's sweaty neck and face, making Shubman smiled at his caring nature.

All of them stare at their lovely display of affection and thought, they didn't sign up for this. I mean there is no need make them feel single every single Fucking time!!

"Just get married already!!." Hardik exclaimed while throwing his hands in air dramatically.

Making other nod in agreement.

Hearing his words Ishan's hands that were on Shubman's face, stopped as he become embarrassed. Meanwhile Shubman just shamelessly held that hand before looking at hardik with smirk.

"I'm ready to marry him for a long time but he is the one who is not accepting my proposal..." Shubman replied before side hugging ishan, and made a sad puppy face.

"Woah..woah.." everyone hooted in unison, making ishan more embarrassed.

Ishan freed himself from Shubman's hold and immediately run from there with a red face and a shy smile.

Shubman chuckled at his shyness before shaking his head.

"You scared him, dumbo.." Rohit said.

"No's called shyness..." Shubman replied with cheeky smile.

"Chill Ro..soon we will attending their wedding.." Virat said while hugging Rohit's shoulder.

" weirdly you and Shubman are so similar..." Rohit let out, not so amusingly.

"We know!!" Shubman and virat laughed together.

Ishan was going towards apartment, he still has that beautiful smile on his face as he recalled Shubman's words from earlier.

The train of his thoughts come to an halt when his phone suddenly ringed.

He look at the screen and frowned when he saw caller i'd. he still received the call.

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