Chapter - 22

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Author's POV

Shubman stare at ishan who is busy fooling around with surya and hardik, as his mind wandered to past few days.

He still remember the day when he went to bar, to get a very drunk ishan. After sobering up, when Shubman asked the reason behind all this, other just tossed it away while making excuses, like he was stressed about upcoming matches.

And Shubman can tell, ishan was lying, ishan may think that he can lie but Shubman knows better, ishan is anything but a good liar.

It's been two days to that whole scenario. In these days Shubman has noticed, ishan has become distant but only to him, other still behave same with other members. It was like ishan is close to him yet so far, like a invisible wall has come between them.

"Shubman....Stop drilling holes in ishan through your eyes.."

Kl rahul's voice brought him out of his thoughts, he turn around a look at kl rahul, who just appeared out of nowhere beside him.

"It's not like that bhaiya...i was just spacing out.." Shubman replied.

Kl rahul just nodded before quietly sitting there.

Shubman's eyes once again find it's way to ishan, who was also looking back at him, their eyes meet for few seconds before ishan turned his focus back on surya, who was saying something.

Shubman start feeling irritation in his heart, he just don't get the sudden change in ishan's behaviour. It's not like he didn't ask other, but ishan keep saying it's nothing.

"If You are going to keep sighing like this, you will have wrinkles, you know?" Once again kl rahul commented, staring at the sighing man.

Shubman didn't looked away from ishan and said,

"I going back to my room.."

Having said that, Shubman get up and directly left towards his room, upstairs.

Kl rahul stare at his retreating back and then shifted his graze back to ishan, whose eyes is also fixed on the stairs, before muttering to himself,

"Something is off , I mean ishan didn't tried even for a second to approach Shubman like other days..."

As he finished his words, he saw ishan excusing himself and going upstairs, more specially to his room.

"Or maybe i'm just overthinking?" Kl rahul said to himself before shrugging, not wanting dwell on it anymore.

Ishan had a blank look on his face as he climb the stairs, it was like the one, who was laughing just few minutes ago,was someone else.

Prithvi's words keep haunting him day and night, leaving him all miserable. His words are eating him from inside.

He is trying his best wrap his head around this whole situation, that's why he is maintaining some distance from Shubman.

And he know his actions are hurting Shubman, his heart squeezed painfully at the thought of being reason behind Shubman's pain.

It's not like he don't want to share all this things with Shubman, but the thing is he can't bring himself to make Shubman choose between his career and their love, knowing Shubman's passion for cricket. He is not that cruel person.

Other might think that he is overthinking or just a coward but they are not in his shoes, so they don't have any right to look down on him, they don't know about the raging storms in his heart and mind.

While lost in his thoughts ishan reached his room and stare at it for few seconds before opening it and entering inside.

Shubman who was sitting on the bean bag, stare at the ishan who just walked inside, before mentioning him to come close. Ishan did what he was told, and stood infront Shubman.

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