Chapter - 20

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Author's POV

Currently Everyone is enjoying cool breeze on the rooftop, after having dinner.

"Looks like they had a quite intense fight..." Hardik said quietly.

"I know right...I mean just look at ishu's neck.." Surya agreed, who was sitting just beside him.

Kuldeep stare at them weirdly and smacked both of their heads, making them whine.

"What nonsense are you both spouting? Those are hickeys not some fight marks..." Kuldeep said.

To which, hardik and surya just rolled their eyes at him.

"And we were just being sarcastic. Ofcourse we know what those marks are..." Hardik replied with duh done.

Finally someone couldn't take it anymore and decided to interfere,

" talking about someone like they aren't there is rude, you know?" Ishan said while pointing his finger at them.

"If you want blame anyone then blame your boyfriend, who left these big marks on your neck...." Surya replied.

Ishan pouted and turn around to glare at Shubman who is busy in laughing at him, making ishan pout more.

"Okay enough...stop teasing my baby" Shubman said and hugged Ishan from behind , who nodded.

"We can't digest this much sweetness"  virat suddenly exclaimed with a done face.

Everyone made a gagging gesture before laughing loudly.

shubman shook his head at their antics and continued back hugging ishan while putting his chin on Ishan's shoulder.

After 30 minutes, everyone decided to head down and sleep as they have an advertisement shoot yesterday.

But Shubman and ishan didn't moved an inch from their place, too busy in their moment.

"Hey...romeo and juliet, if you both done, then let's go, don't forget both of you have a magzine cover shoot..." Rohit shouted from roof door.

"Yeah yeah coming bhaiya..." Both of replied back in unison and also left from there while holding hands.

Next morning, whole team had reached at their shooting studio with their team manager.

Right now everyone is getting ready for their respective shoots.

Just then their team manager entered dressing room and clapped to get all 11's attention.

"Boys!! first we will start with solo shoot, then at last we will do a whole team shoot for upcoming it clear?" Their team manager explained.

"No problem..." Rohit replied respectfully.

"Good, so let's start with your solo shoot first.." Team manager said referring to rohit, who nodded.

With that both of them left from there.

Ishan was getting his hair done by hair stylist, while using his phone. Suddenly he received a text from Shubman.

Ishan frowned and turn to look at other side of room, where shubman is getting ready.

At the same time Shubman also looked back at him, causing their eyes to meet. Shubman sign him through eyes to read the message.

"Why is he messaging me, when he is also sitting in same room?" Ishan thought Mentally.

Still he opened the message and his cheek immediately tinted with a light blush when he read the message.

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