Chapter - 27

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Author's POV

Within next two days, whole ICT team returned back to Apartment.

Right now ishan and shubman are in car, yes they are the last one to return back to apartment.

Ishan keep playing with his fingers nervously while tapping his foot inside car, shubman noticed this and placed his left hand on Ishan's thigh and keep driving with right hand.

"Why are you this tensed ish? Believe me it's nothing serious..." Shubman said while drawing gentle circles on Ishan's thigh.

Ishan still keep getting anxious. He placed his hand over Shubman's hand, which was placed on his thigh and looked at shubman.

"But What if prithvi has told upper management about us and that's why they called this sudden meeting?" Ishan asked worriedly,

Shubman stopped the car on road side before looking back at Ishan's worried face.

"Come here, baby..."

Having said that, Shubman pulled ishan on his lap and hugged ishan tightly.

"Calm down okay? And I don't think it's about that matter...there might be some other reason behind this meeting... So stop worrying yourself..."

"But how can you be so sure that it's not about that?" Ishan's meek voiced asked.

Shubman placed a kiss on Ishan's head.

"I just know..." Shubman replied with a dark smirk which, ofcourse ishan didn't see as other has his face pressed agaist Shubman's chest.

Shubman's deep and soothing voice help ishan to feel better. He placed his ear on Shubman's chest,hearing his heartbeat and took a deep breath to calm his restless heart.

"Maybe you are right..." Ishan said slowly.

Ishan then tried to get up from his lap to go back on his seat but shubman held his waist, stopping him from doing so.

Ishan stare at him confusingly.

"Don't... Stay like this..." Shubman said.

"But than how are you going drive with me in your lap?" Ishan asked, not understand it.

Shubman packed Ishan's lips before saying

"Leave that to just stay like this..."

Ishan sighed before nodding, he made himself more comfortable in Shubman's lap, he placed a kiss on Shubman's chest before leaning against it.

Shubman smiled at his action and wrapped his left arm around ishan's waist in a protective manner and start the car while driving it with right hand only.

"Be careful...I don't want to reach hospital instead of Apartment..." Ishan joked.

"Worry not wifey....i will never let anything happen to you..." Shubman replied with chuckle, eyes focused on road.

Ishan let out a "hmm" before snuggling more against Shubman's embrace.
Shubman and ishan walked together inside living room with their luggage.
Everyone was already in living room, probably waiting for them.

"Hello Everyone..."  Ishan exclaimed loudly before running to members.

He hugged all of them one by one, ishan was literally glowing in energy. Shubman just at the sight with fond smile.

" are really something, you still have energy after that long flight?" Surya commented with A chuckle

Ishan stare at him confusingly before asking,

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