Chapter - 16

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Author's POV

Ishan was sleeping peacefully after a long and tiring night. Shubhman was back hugging him like he is a teddy bear. His eyes trailed from Ishan's neck to his shoulder, which is covered with his marks.

"Now you are forever one will ever able to apart us, because for doing that, they to have face me first..." Shubhman thought while looking meaningfully at ishan.

Shubhman snuggled into Ishan's neck, and a kiss fell on his neck. Shubhman start sucking on his previous marks, making them purplish.

Ishan woke up because of shubhman kisses on his neck. He sighed at other's actions.

"you are Still not satisfied?!" Ishan couldn't help but asked irritatedly.

Shubhman just hummed and continued his work on Ishan's neck and shoulder. Ishan huffed irritatedly, and tried to pull away from Shubhman's grip, but immediately hissed when Shubhman start bit his neck hardly.

"Ahh..i'm not going anywhere alright?...stop biting, are you a dog or what?" Ishan said in a little loud voice.

After 5 minutes of abusing Ishan's neck, Shubhman pulled away and kissed Ishan's lips, grazing at him Lovingly.

Ishan removed his hands around himself and tried to get up but immediately stopped and let out a painful shout as his eyes widened.

"Ahhh...I...I will kill you...ahh Why..why are you still inside me?" Ishan asked while panting in pain.


His eyes shooting draggers at shubhman.

Shubhman didn't said anything and instead of taking his thing out, he pushed a little more inside ishan, making ishan hiss a little.

"'t you dare, take your thing out right now!!.." Ishan shouted when he felt Shubhman getting hard inside him.

To which Shubhman gave him a puppy look while his hands once again circled around Ishan's waist, pressing himself more to ishan's beck.

"Please only one round...please baby.." Shubhman pleaded as if he asking for a candy.

Ishan snort in disbelief while glaring at shubhman fiercely.

"I have to be out of my mind to fall for your puppy face again after last night, you can never be satisfied with only one round..Take it out!!.." Ishan shouted.

Shubhman sulked a little, then he start take it out from Ishan's hole.

"" Ishan said while moaning and hissing.

Shubhman immediately stop and stare at ishan with his smoky and musky eyes.

"Stop making those sound if you don't want me to lose control and take you again..." Shubhman warned in a heavy voice.

Ishan hurriedly covered his mouth with his both hands and sign Shubhman to continue. Shubhman slowly take out his thing, which is covered with cum and little blood.

Ishan sighed in relief and just when he sit on the bed to get up, he felt his lower body ripping apart because pain and he again fell back on his bed while tears filled in his eyes.

Shubhman hurriedly wrapped a towel around his waist and went to ishan's side.

"Is it paining a lot?" Shubhman asked in concern.

"You still have the audacity to ask me this? You are Fucking beast!!...." Ishan yelled at him.

"Well I didn't heard you complaining last night...instead you were the one who keep begging me to go faster and harder..." Shubhman replied smugly while smirking.

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