Chapter - 31

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Author's  POV

Next Morning ishan was talking on the video call with shubman. He made a confused face as he saw shubman getting all dressed up.

"Are you going out shub?" Ishan asked.

"Yes...A friend called, so i'm going to meet him..." Shubman replied.

"Is it abhishek? And when are you going to sort things with my dad and take me back?" Ishan asked again.

"No, it's not him and about your dad, I still need to think of something to make him accept us..." Shubman replied with honesty.

Ishan nodded in understanding and saw shubman getting up and searching for something, he can already guess what other is looking for.

"Your watch along with your wallet, is in left bedside table's first drawer..." Ishan said as he saw shubman looking here and there with a stressed face.

Shubman quickly went to bedside table and opened the said drawer before sighing as he took out his watch and wallet.

He then looked at ishan through phone screen before saying,

"I have become so dependent on you for Everything that I can't even find my own things..."

To which ishan flipped his non existent long hair, looking smugly at shubman.

"I knew it, you can't survive without me..." Ishan said proudly.

"So true, it has become impossible to live without you..." Shubman replied while staring at ishan with longing.

Ishan fell silent as he detected the longing and vulnerability in Shubman's voice, it's his second time seeing shubman like this, the first time was when he was about to break up with Shubman.

Shubman noticed ishan's gloomy mood and cleared his throat before saying,

" Okay enough about me, did you have your breakfast? " shubman asked, to change the subject.

Ishan's eyes flickered at middle table of room, where raj has once again put the plate of breakfast, but he didn't eat it, before looking back at shubman.

"Yes, I did...umm..Can I ask a favor? Can you call me every hour?" Ishan asked while stuttering, he feel kinda embarrassed to ask it.

A smirk appeared on Shubman's lips as looked at Ishan's embarrassed face.

"Why? Missing me too much?, Say please and I will call you, even inform you my whereabouts" Shubman said, clearly teasing ishan.

He was expecting an loud embarrassed "No" from ishan as other never admit that he miss Shubman and about begging, ishan never do it.

But shubman froze as he heard Ishan's next words.

"Please me, I miss you like crazy, it feels empty without you...please!" Ishan pleaded in a soft voice As he made a pleading face.

Shubman didn't said anything just keep staring at ishan with lot's of emotions in his eyes.

"Don't say anything, keep silent..." He replied hastily, voice sounding a little heavy.

Ishan made a confuse face before asking,

"Why...I already said what you told me.." Ishan asked in confusion, not understanding other.

"What i mean is...stop with that sweet voice and pleading face, or else I will not able to stop myself from coming over there and Fucking you...." Shubman said in hoarse voice, staring right into Ishan's soul through phone screen.

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