Chapter 41

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Moonlight turned her head to look at the guys. "I'm sorry you had to see that." She sighed and walked over to the shelf where she had placed her outfit. She began to move things around and put things where they belonged. When she finished, she walked over to bed in silence. Sitting down on the mattress, she began to take her shoes off and placed them at the end of the bed. She stood up and scratched the back of her neck.

"How long have you guys been here?" She asked, her voice was still low but audible.

"We arrived around one this afternoon." Leo replied. The guys were silent.

"I see." Moonlight replied looking away. There was something off. Raph had never seen her get so angry. But that wasn't what was on his mind. He had a few words to say Michalin for hitting Moonlight. She stood up straight, but her head hung low. Her hands shook and her body jumped at the slightest of sounds. She turned around and walked over to her nightstand. Reaching into the back of her pants, she pulled out a gun and placed it on the table with a thud. She removed knifes from her waist and placed them on the table as well. Taking out a smaller knife from her pocket, she lifted her pillow up from the bed and placed the knife underneath. "Have you eaten already?" She asked.

"Yes." Donny replied. "A-are you alright?" He stood up and walked over to her. In human form, he was the tallest and thinnest of the four. His dark black hair brushed into his face as he walked. He placed a hand on her shoulder and felt how tense her muscles were.

"Define alright." Moonlight said looking down at the floor. Brushing his hand away, she slipped her boots back on, not bothering to tie them and walked out of the barracks.

It wasn't until very later till Moonlight entered the barracks again. Mikey had tried to stay up but fell asleep on his bed. Raph sat awake and waited for Moonlight along with Leo and Donny. When the door to the barracks opened up again, they saw Moonlight enter. She looked miserable. Dark circles placed under her eyes mixed with malnutrition made her look ghost like. The mesh hall had plenty of food, but it was the fact that Moonlight didn't feel like eating that made her look like this. Her hair was tightly french braided and her skin was covered with dirt and sweat.

Looking up at the guys, she gave a small smile and walked over to her bed and laid down. 

"You should get some rest. We have to get up early." She rolled over onto her side, her back facing them. Leo and Donny looked at Raph who was still watching Moonlight. His face was twisted into a glare and a snarl as he rose to his feet and walked over to her bed. He threw himself down onto the mattress next to her and wrapped an arm around. Trying to stay calm he took a few deep breathes.

"Are you going to tell me what's goin on? Or do I have ta beat it out of ya?" He said to her, tightening his grip on her. He rested his head on his hand and was able to see just the side of her face. Her eyes slowly opened and she looked forward. Raph sighed when she didn't say anything. He brushed his lips lightly against her temple. "Talk ta me." HE said in a low voice when he heard his brothers get into their beds.

"It hurts..." She said in such a quiet whisper that Raph couldn't hear her. She tightly closed her eyes. "It hurts when you see me like this. It hurts to think about what will happen. If you see me at my worst... You might leave."

"I would never do that ta ya." HE his forehead against her temple and whispered to her. "I love you too much to do that." He let out a low chuckle. "Besides. You kill me if I did." Moonlight smiled a little and turned around to face him. He brushed a hand over her cheek and smiled at her. "Goodnight." He said, as his lips pressed against hers.  His arm pulled her in tight as he held onto her as they both drifted off into sleep.   

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