Chapter 38

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“So what are we going to do now?” Leo had asked the next morning when everyone gathered in the kitchen to talk about the plans.

“I was hoping that today I could go to Queens and see the General. His office is there and I may be able to see him today.” Moonlight said as she walked over to the table and sat down. “If I can get in, I will be able to tell him about our plan, and about what is going to happen. I’m sure he will listen.” She sat in her chair deep in thought.

“I’ll go with you as well.” John spoke up. “I am be able to help. Introducing him someone on your team may help. And you’ll need a ride.”

I guess it wouldn’t hurt to have someone come with me. But he may not allow me to go back into service. This entire thing depends on his word. If we were to go without his word, and we got caught, we would become criminals.” Moonlight said back.

“That doesn’t make much sense.”Mikey said. “Wouldn’t we be considered heros?”

“Not exactly. I said this before, Levi has a major army. It’s going to take more than just a few kicks and ninja moves to take him down. We’ll need fire power. Which for me isn’t that hard to come by.”  She said in response. “Id we go out there now, and try to do this without the General’s knowing, we could cause a major upset. And to make things worse, we could even be considered terrorists.”

“She is right.” John said. “Once the police and the Secret Service see a person carrying a gun anywhere near the President, they take them down, no questions asked.”

“Alright.” Leo said. “You should get going.” He said to Moonlight. “The sooner we find out about what the General thinks, the better.”


John and Moonlight pulled up to a regular looking apartment building. The giant cement stairs in the front led up to the thick oak doors. The building was four stories high with regular windows.

“Are you sure this is the place?” John asked. “It doesn’t look military at all.”

“It’s supposed to look ordinary. Notice anything out of place?” Moonlight asked as she got out of the small car and stood facing the street. “Come over net to me.” she said in a low voice. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out what looked like an ID. She held it up so that it faced the building on the other side of the street. John looked around to see what she was doing, but had no clue.

“What are you doing?” He whispered.

“See that window over there.” She jerked her head to the building across the street. “The sixth story window, third in from the left. I sniper is outposted there. It’s one of the only ways you can enter this building.”

John watched the dark hole closely. Suddenly, a light flashed five times, really fast.

“Come on. We can go in.”


Inside the building, everything was different. The hallway was a pure white. At the end of the hall, there were double doors, to the left of the door was a scanner of some sort.

“I hope this still works.” Moonlight said under her breath. She walked over to the scanner and looked directly at a small red light in the center of it. A second red light flashed above the door while Moonlight stood looking into the scanner. The red light above the door suddenly changed to a bright blue, and they heard the sound of the door unlocking itself.   

“Now the real fun begins.” Moonlight said with smile. She pulled the door open and walked threw. As John entered the room, he noticed the same white walls and floor. The giant room was filled with desks, chairs, and people walking back and forth. Some of the people wore military uniforms, while others wore just regular black work clothes. Some them looked at John and Moonlight while others didn’t give it a second thought. A tall and skinny man, wearing glasses and a red sweater vest walked up to them with a confused look on his face. He stood much taller than John.

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