Chapter 26

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It had been several days since the night Leo had talked to Raph. Though they hadn't talked much, it felt like they had talked for eternity to Raph.

I need tax make my move fast. And soon... Raphael thought, as he laid in his hammock looking up at the ceiling. Though he was in the sewers,  he could sware he heard the raging storm outside on the surface. A major storm was sweeping through the city. He could hear the sounds of grunting and medal outside in the lair. Though the clock only showed 5 pm, it felt like it was later in the day.

He slowly rooled out of the hammock and began to walk to his door. He could make out the grunts to be Moonlight and Leo's.

They must be practicing. Raph thought with a smile.

Since Moonlight had beaten the turtles in fight, Leo was now committed to figuring out how to beat her in a fight. She had been with the turtles for over six months and Leo had no luck.

Raph pushed his door open and began to walk out into the light of the lair. As he walked down the hall, he noticed that there was no one really home. Only Leo, Moonlight, and Splinter were in sight.

Splinter sat on his knees and watched as Moonlight and Leo fought. Blow after blow, Moonlight blocked Leo's wooden katanas with ease and gave him blows with her own. Raph coukd see the bruises on him brother's skin as Moonlight continued to hit him. They both had a wicked smile on their faces and adrenaline races through their veins.

"I'm going to let you win this one." Leo said with a smirk.

"Oh? You said that last time. And the time before that."Moonlight taunted. "Bring it."

Again, Leo attacked but had no luck, the echoing sound of her wooden sword hitting his shell rang out loud and clear as he fell forward to the ground.

"You done already? " Moonlight teased. She sounded breathless.

"No yet."Leo replied as he too sounded out of breath.

Raph took a seat next to his father and watched. He turned to look at Splinter and saw an amused smile on the old rat's face.

"It appears your brother may need your assistance Raphael." Splinter spoke with a chuckle. "Stop!"He spoke to Leo and Moonlight. "Raphael will join you Leonardo."

Raph watched as Moonlight's face light up with amusement and something else.

"Yes father."Leo said with a bow.

After Raph had grabbed a staff and joined his brother, he began to eye the girl up for weak points. But it almost seemed like she had none. But finally, he saw what he was looking for. She wore nothing more than a tank top, sports bra,  and athletic shorts that hugged her legs tightly. On her left leg, there was a red mark that looked like it was causing her some pain.

Just what I need. Raph said and then grinned.

"Begin!"Splinter said.

Leo attacked first was a few swings and made his way to her back. Raph took over from the front. Moonlight had spin in a circle in order to block the blows. It caused her to become a little winded. Raph took his chance when Moonlight went to fight Leo. He swung and the wood smacked against her left leg. She was knocked off of her balance and then fell to the ground on her side. Leo was about to finish the fight when suddenly, Moonlight rolled onto her back and swung her legs out to either side, doing the splits with legs in the air. Her right foot caught Raph on the knee and her left foot hit Leo in the abdomen,  sending him back onto his shell. It knocked the air right out of him and he stayed on the ground.

As Raph stumbled to regain his balance, Moonlight had maneuvered her body so that she could do a leg sweep. Kicking her leg out one more time, she swiped Raph's legs right out from under him. He fell onto the ground and the air was knocked out of him.

He heard Moonlight let out a yell of rage and then just saw her shadow as she jumped on top of him. He managed to roll onto his stomach,  but found it was a bad idea. With her staff in hand, she wrapped it under his chin and to the front his throat. She then pulled up and held him in the lock, with the staff resting on the insides of her elbows. After a few seconds,  Raph tapped her arm and she let him go. She stood up and was about to help him, when he felt rage rush into his body. He kicked out and hit her to the stomach. She flew back and smacked into a pillar. She was dazed but it didn't stop him. He looked down at Leo who still sat on the floor exhausted and bruised, which only made him more pissed.

He jumped at Moonlight,  and forced his right arm over her throat. With his left hand he managed to grab her hands and hold them above her head. He pressed his body against her's, and held her on the wall. He moved his mouth down to her ear.

"How da like it?"He asked in a menacing voice. Revenge was all he wanted now. He pressed his arm more into her throat,  feeling her squirm as the air was being stopped from entering her lungs. She began to move, but he only pressed harder on her throat. He didn't even realize that he was choking her, u ntill Splinter yelled.

"Raphael! Let her go!"

Raph looked back at Moonlight's face. It was beginning to turn a light shade of blue. Her eyes had nothing but fear.

He quickly moved his arm away, and then his body. She collapsed to thw ground, gasping for air.

"M-moonlight..."Raph began to speak.

Her body trembled and she gagged for air. Leo ran to her sat and sat next to her, helping her. He shot a nasty look at Raphael.

"What the hell?" He yelled. "You could have killed her!"

"I-I." Raph couldn't believe what he h as d just done. The words were caught in his throat. "I'm sorry." He said as he felt more rage fill his body. He became pissed at himself for what he had done. "I'm so sorry." He turned around,  and ran into the sewer, not wanting to face what he had done.

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