Chapter 12

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At some point during the night Moonlight had fallen asleep. Raph continued to hold her at her request. Before fatiege had taken her, she asked Raph to stay with her. He was now leaning against the wall with her in his arms. Every so often her body would clench up and she would gasp a little. As the hours seemed to fade away, it was like the whole world stopped. He rested his head against the wall and relaxed his body. No one had entered the room since Raptarr. Raph looked over at the clock to his right and saw that is showed 7 am. In the cource of only 12 hours, he had been taken away, Moonlight killed and brought back from the dead, and now she was in his arms. She began to stur and then her eyes slowly opened once more. Raph watched as she sat up and looked at him with a look of graditude in her soft green eyes.

"Thank you." She said.

"No problem." Raph spoke with a small grin on his face. Thay sat in silence for what seemed like forever. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore. "I don't know about ya, but I'm starved."

Moonlight smiled and raised to her feet slowly finding it hard to balance. Her legs gave way and she fell back. Raph's arms were around her in an instant and his soft humor filled hazel eyes looking at her. He lifted her up and placed her feet on the floor again. He stood at her right and wrapped his left arm under her arm and across her back.

"Let's try that again." He said a chuckle. He heard her giggle and he walked her out into the lair. She leaned on him but it felt like nothing was there. As soon as they walked out a little ways she gained controll of her legs and could stand on her own.

"Thanks." She said with a smile. He leg go of her and she began to wlak on her own only to be nearly knocked over by Angel.

"Moonlight!" She said with a cry and wrapped her arms her squeezing the air out Moonlight. Tears streamed down her face and she sobbed into Moonlight's shoulder.

Moonlight wrapped her arms around Angel and held her close. "Shhh." She whispered softly. "It's alright."

After a few minutes Mikey appeared with Ana and nano. Angel stepped back and Mikey towards her slowly but embrassed her quickly.

"It's good to see you."He said in a shaking voice.

"It's good to see you too."She said and held him in an embrase. Next was Ana and Nano who took turns hugging her.

Finally, April, Casey, Donny, Leo, John,Raptarr and even SS appeared to with smiles, tears, and hugs. Splinter was the last as everyone backed away to let him talk with Moonlight. He walked over to her and embraced her then took a few steps back to bow to her.

"Thank you for saving not just one of my sons, but all of them." He spoke in his old wise voice. "There has been something that i have been wanting to ask of you for quite some time now." Moonlight looked at him then around at eberyone else as they watched her. "My family has grown fond of you and i have as well. In the case of resent events and long before, you have proven to me that you will help protects us and we will protect you. I ask that you become a permenent member of this family and stay with us. I know that there is no where for you to really call home. I would pleased if your home was here with us." He finished and bpwed his head.

Moonlight looked at the floor. "I-uh.I. I don't know what to say." A feeling ran through her that she had not felt for some time now. Her throat tightened up and her eyes burned. "I would be honored to call you my family." She fianlly said, bowing her head back to him.

He smiled then spoke. " This calls for a celibration."

"I'll make breakfast!" April yelled from the edge of the lair and Casey chuckled.

"I'll help." Ana and Angel said. "You can relax Moonlight." Ana said with a smile and walked into the kitchen.

Everyone then made there way into the entertainment area and began a conversation. Moonlight stayed back and watched. She didn't notice Leo had appeared beside her.

"This is different for you. Isn't it?" He said.

Moonlight looked down at the floor. "Yeah... It is." She spoke in a quiet voice.

"Father wanted me to show you your room." He said looked at the group as they laughted and smiled with each other.

Moonlight looked up at him and she smiled, but she had a question on the tip of her lips.

"You can't sleep in the infirmary forever." He said with laugh.

"I guess you're right. But i was nice and comfortable in there." She said as a joke.

"I think you'll this room a little better. It has an actual bed and dresser and everything." He said back. She looke dup at him with a glimmer of thanks in her eyes." It's nice to finally call you family."

"It's nice to have family after all this time." She saidd as a tear escaped her eye. It was the fisrt time any of them had seen her cry other than the night she was killed. This tear was different from that night. It was joyfull.

Moonlight finally realized what the feeling inside of her was. It was happyness. Something she hadn't felt for so long.

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