Chapter 22

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It had been a few weeks after the incident and since Moonlight had been taken into the home of the turtles.  She had gotten know even more about them now that they were family. They had gotten to know more about her too. Though Raph still had his moments with Moonlight where he knew sooner or later he would have to give. Everyday he woke up and went to the kitchen,  she was already up, cooking breakfast and making coffee. She would smile at him with a warm comforting smile. But this morning was different.  She had no smile. Her face was pale and her expression blank.

"Ya ok?" Raph had asked feeling a little concerned.

"Hm?" Moonlight sound with a jump.

"Ya ok?" He asked again.

" Oh... Yeah I'm fine." She said with a wave of her hand. She gave a reassuring smile but her eyes said otherwise. She reached out to grab her coffee cup. But Raph grabbed her hand before she could do anything. The atmosphere around her was heavy. Her hand was shaking a little and she felt really cold.

" Ya don't look fine." Raph said as she looked down. " What's up?" He asked.

Moonlight looked up and opened her mouth. But she closed it.

" Ya know ya talk to me. Right?" He said. Looking into her eyes. He was surprised to see fear and sadness. He held onto her hand even tighter.

She looked back down and reached for something that was on her lap.

" I need to go and make an appointment with the VS office." She said as she showed him what was in her hand. A pill bottle.

" Did ya-" Raph was about to ask her.

" No- no. I didn't over dose on anything." She said knowing what he was going to ask. " You could say these are my happy pills. And I need more because I'm out."

Raph let go of her hand and looked at her.

" What do they do?" He asked.

Moonlight looked up with a surprised looked. Then back down at the bottle.

" They help me forget PTSD." She said quietly.

" Oh." Raph said as he leaned back in his chair. "What happens if ya don't have them?" He wanted to keep talking to her.

"Well.... They get rid of nightmares and keep me from seeing thing I don't want to see ever again.  Also they help me from doing something really stupid. "

" Like what?" Raph asked leaning forward with a grin. He had never been like this around Moonlight.

" She smiled back and raised an eyebrow. " They keep me from drinking like I used too." She said with an edge on her voice. The grin growing bigger.

" Ain't ya under age though? "

" Yeah. And technically you are too but it doesn't stop you. Now does it?" She asked leaning forward like he was.

" I'm a turtle. I says nothing about turtles." He said with a smirk.

"Oh. I see." Moonlight said leaning back with a a grin still stretching her lips. " But I think it's alright for me to drink if I want to. Just like you. But what you are doesn't matter. It's the age and what you do with yourself after you drink. Do you party or sleep?" She said as a rhetorical question.

" I see your point. " Raph said as he began to eat. " So why is drinking bad for ya?"

" It's what I do with myself afterwards." She said, the grin leaving her face. " I don't party nor do I sleep."

" What do ya do then?" He asked seriously.

" Let's hope we never have to see it." Moonlight said putting an end to the conversation.

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