Chapter 29

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Moonlight gave up with running. She walked slowly and began to look back and forth for any signs of life. 

"Raph!" She yelled out in hopes that he would hear. She felt terrible for what happened. She wanted to apologize to him, but she had to find him first. She continued to walk through the thick rain, keeping an eye out. The rain washed over her in a cold blanket, the ocean water washed up ontot he street that she walked on. Everything seemed to be moving and inraged. She continued to walk a little faster, but suddenly, something grabbed her waist. She was turned around by someone. Before she could gasp or do anything, she felt soft lips brush against her's and press against her mouth in a hungry passion. Her eyes were closed and stayed closed for a few minutes. Finally, the person pulled away, and her eyes slowly opened to look up into the familar bright hazel eyes of the one person she loved most. Raphael. He looked into her eyes with lust and concern. 

"I-" He began, but was soon shushed by Moonlight's lips and she stood on her tip toes in order to kiss him. Her arms snaked around the back of his neck and he allowed her to pull him down. His hands went straight to her hips and pulled her in close as he pressed his lips against her's feeling her warmth seep into his skin. He held her close, not bothered by rain or the cold. He pulled back a little in order to speak. "I love ya." His eyes opened to see her reaction. She only smiled a little and pressed her mouth to his again. 

"I love you." She said breathless as she pulled away. She looked into his eyes and saw joy. He smiled and felt his right hand move away from her hip and his finger brushed against her cheek. 

"I'm sorry." He said, saddness entering his eyes and words. "I should have never choaked ya." He said looking down. He didn't want to see the look in her eyes. But he felt her smooth, soft hands brush his cheeks and pull his gaze back to her's.

"It's ok." She said with a smile. "I'm fine. I shouldn't have pushed you the way I did." Her thumb rumbed his skin right under his left eye. He closed his eyes and smiled a little, feeling her small hands as they held his head.

"I've liked ya for some time now. I just didn't know how ta tell ya." He said. "I didn't know if ya liked me back..."

"I do like you." He opened his eyes and saw her warm smile. He bent down again and kissed her. 

"So... I guess. I should ask ya if ya want ta be my girl." He said, feeling his face turn hot. He looked into her eyes and saw nothing but love. 

"I would love too be your girl." She said with a giggle. Raph smiled and wrapped his arms around her. She much shorter than he was, her head rested on his chest. He kissed her head and smiled. Her arms wrapped up around his neck again he held her for a few minutes. He noticed one more thing about the two of them. They were almost completely opposites. 

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