Four: Black Hole (Part 1)

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Satya hated coffee, she had weird allergies or just unusual choices in life. Yet she was making a cup of filter coffee, lazily humming the tunes of Aga naga, her recent favorite.

"Masturbation is never a solution.", Xavier stood behind her, watching silently the craft of kappi making.

Satya was startled by his voice and accidentally spilled a few drops of hot coffee onto her hands.

"You fucking scared me!", she snarled simultaneously reaching for the tap. She washed her hands, soothing the burns.

"And you are in my home..." Xavier replied with an inquisitive look, "That too, this early in the morning."

He reached for the overhead cabin and took out the first aid box. Shuffling through a few medicines and bandages, he picked up a bright tube of Neosporin ointment. He caught her arm to inspect her hand for the signs of burn.

"Index finger." she pointed out her left hand, directing him to apply, "Also, I have keys to your gigantic bachelor pad or shall I say your palace-like penthouse, that you oh so lovingly had given me."

"It's not gigantic. Why did you come here?" He asked, yet he knew the answer to that question.

"To make you a cup of filter coffee.", Satya sarcastically remarked, pulling her hand away and handing him the cup.

"You aren't my maid."

"Well, I am not your wife either, what's the point?", she retorted.

He sighed and kept the first aid box back in its place. "Did you make tea for yourself?", Xavier searched for her cup.

He was tired. Sleepless nights and the onset of an aggressive migraine were not what he wanted for the day.

"Yep, like you said I am not your maid.", she motioned him to walk.

They both strolled towards the balcony, a very silent walk. The sun was just set to rise, radiating beautiful hues of orange and red. Satya sipped her tea while watching the magic that nature was unfolding in front of her eyes.

"Satya, I--"

"Xav, do you know why sunrises are beautiful?" she cut him short with her question.

"Because of Rayleigh Scattering?" he replied, confused by a random diversion. He took a final sip from his cup of coffee, caffeine soothing his headache for some unknown reasons.

"No, that's too technical." Satya calmly took another sip of her tea and closed her eyes taking in all the beauty. She turned towards him, her black eyes met his, "Because I believe that it's beautiful...", she continued, "And you believe it's just another natural phenomenon and never try to see anything beyond that."

She took the empty cup from his hand and hugged him, "See beyond your thoughts, beyond the lies and truth", she could feel his body's warmth and his broken soul, "Ask her why."

Xavier stared at her face, tears brimming in his eyes. Satya tried to hold him, hug him, and protect him from himself.

"Xavier, go and meet her, ask her why."


Satya strolled around different cabins, trying to get her work done. She was a partner in the Xhasis, but always thought Xavier deserved more credits than he let himself, as the whole thing was the brainchild of his supergenius mind.

She had met him via Tinder, ironic but true, as her friends had forced her to try dating. He had swiped to be a perfect match but soon had ghosted her after a good starter conversation in the chat. Later, she came to know that it just happened to be his friend Alisha, who had made Xavier's profile and had chatted with Satya every day pretending to be him. She still made jokes about them.

One thing led to another and Xavier had become her friend. She had introduced an angel investor, one of her close friends, to him during the initial days of his startup, and things had skyrocketed pretty fast to millions of dollars. She was proud of him. He was one hell of a crazy engineer and had required a good businessman or perhaps a businesswoman to support him, and that was her.

She managed the business part of the Xhasis, and tech was Xavier's forte. They made a good team, and Satya was happy with her as well as Xav's professional life.

Well, it all went haywire in their personal life.

"Xavier won't be available for today, please divert all his calls to my phone.", Satya ordered their assistants. She sat in her comfortable seat and dived into her world, forgetting about the time.

Her phone rang, and she picked up the call. Her hands and mind were full of papers and numbers.

"Xav?", the voice sounded unfamiliar to her.

"Who's this?", Satya questioned politely.


Satya's lips pursed tight, "He isn't available today. He had reported an episode of migraine."

Satya had made him take his medicines and had made sure that he'd slept before she left for the office, but she wasn't going to delve into details with this woman.


"If there's anything urgent you can try to call his number, I mean personal number." Satya wasn't interested in probing much.

"He has blocked me."

You deserve that.

"Oh, I am sorry I don't think I am of any help then!", Satya concluded.

"Can you give him my message?"

Satya ground her teeth and disconnected the call.

She realized how agitated and angry she felt while talking to Subhadra. After all those years of trying to understand Xavier, she realized that he wasn't the only one in agony. Watching her friend destroy himself was agonizing enough for her. Yes, she had met him when he was stranded alone but it didn't help, as each day he had distanced himself more than before, locking his emotions inside a cold heart.

She had never seen this woman yet all she wanted was to throw a boiling pot of poison on her.

Her phone rang again, "Hello, Satya Devi here."

"Tell him that I'll meet him. Today.", Subhadra's stern voice filled her ears. And then it was just a deafening beep as she disconnected the call.



The lines- "Khuda Mila Jo Yeh Faasla Hai, Khuda Tera Hi Yeh Faisla Hai..." hold such a heartbreaking meaning for heartbreak. I don't know if I making sense or not.

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