017, unexpected visitors

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✧*̥˚ 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 *̥˚✧amelie flood x sam golbachchapter seventeen || 🎬🤍🦢

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✧*̥˚ 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 *̥˚✧
amelie flood x sam golbach
chapter seventeen || 🎬🤍🦢

    Being awoken up to loud banging on your front door was not something Amelie had anticipated for the day

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    Being awoken up to loud banging on your front door was not something Amelie had anticipated for the day. She knew it wasn't Riley or Rue because they had keys and they would be in the airport until 1pm and it was currently 11am.

    At first Amelie didn't hear it, it was until Carmen came into her room and climbed into her bed, complaining about the loud noise that she realised it was in fact her front door. Not a neighbours.

    The girl moved towards the front door like a zombie. She almost tripped several times as she tried to put a pair of fluffy socks on.

    When she got to the door, she didn't even check the peep hole, instead she threw the door open, revealing two very familiar faces.

    "Amelie!" Sam Golbachs overly excited voice rang through her ears as she felt a pair of arms throw themselves around her shoulder. The two stumbled backward as Amelie tried to catch her footing. She grabbed onto the back of his jacket for support so she wouldn't fall to the floor from the sudden impact.

    "Sam!" She croaked out as he pulled away and stared down at her.

    He grabbed the girls shoulders, "Were you not awake?" Amelie just blinked at him in surprise, "Fair enough." He mumbled, walking away from her and down the hall.

    Amelie stared down after him, extremely confused. She then turned to look at Colby who had a massive smile on his face.

    He slowly walked towards her and much more gentle than Sam had, hugged her.

    "What the fuck are you two doing here at this hour?" Amelie asked as she patted his back.

    Colby pulled away and started to walk towards where Sam had wandered off to, making Amelie groan, "We were around the corner and Sam basically dragged me here."

     Amelie shook her head in disbelief and rubbed the sleep from her eyes, "Well, make yourselves at home. I'm gonna go...die." She walked back towards her room where Carmen was sprawled across her bed, conked out.

𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧, sam golbachWhere stories live. Discover now