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✧*̥˚ 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 *̥˚✧amelie flood x sam golbachchapter twenty-one || 🎬🤍🦢

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✧*̥˚ 𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 *̥˚✧
amelie flood x sam golbach
chapter twenty-one || 🎬🤍🦢

     Becoming friends with Sam Golbach was either the best thing to happen to Amelie Flood or the worst and she was still yet to figure out which one

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Becoming friends with Sam Golbach was either the best thing to happen to Amelie Flood or the worst and she was still yet to figure out which one. She had gotten very used to him barging into her room after shooting a video so he could fill her in on everything that had happened. The shock of waking up to a "Good morning :)" had worn off at the end of November, but the butterflies in her stomach hadn't seemed to leave just yet.

Staying up until four am in the morning talking about nonsense had become one of Amelie's favourite things to do. He listened to her ramble about stupid things for hours on end and he didn't even seem to care. Sam would simply go about what he was doing, with his phone on speaker while she waffled his head off.

It was now the second of December and Amelie was snuggled up in bed, a copy of Nicholas Sparks "The notebook" In one hand and a bic foursider pen in the other. Her hair was soaking wet having only gotten out of the shower ten minutes ago. She was in the middle of pushing her black framed glasses up her nose when her bedroom door opened, showcasing a certain blond she had become very fond of over the last two months.

Without saying a word he walked further into her room, closing the door behind himself. He walked over to her bed and looked at her with a frown before collapsing by her legs. Amelie's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she nudged him and dropped the pen and the book on the floor. She sat up more so she could see his face. She didn't say a word, she waited for him to speak because normally he would walk in and not shut up for at-least ten minutes, filling her in on everything that had happened since the last time they spoke. But something told her that would not be happening today.

"I think I have an attachment." Sam finally spoke after another moment of silence.

Amelie's mouth made an O shape, in utter shock. She knew what Sam was like, how far he would go to get the best type of content, but the thought of him having an attachment was crazy.

"Okay..." She whispered as he moved to lay on her pillows. Amelie joined him a moment later, and now they were shoulder to shoulder, "What makes you, uh... say that?"

Sam sighed, "Y'know the way Colby and I went to the Sallie house, like, four days ago?" He asked, and she nodded, waiting for him to continue, "Today we were just messing around with equipment because we needed to get more stuff and we were making sure everything worked... So we turned on the spirit box and, like, seven times - in a row - it said "Sam"."

"I told you you were a fucking idiot for sitting on the black thing in the basement." She rolled her eyes.

"You're not supposed to know that by the way."

Amelie turned her head to glare at him, "I swear to God, Sam, if you get possessed and I have to call a priest and in some freak accident you die. I will resurrect you and kill you myself." Sam moved his head to the side to look at her with shocked eyes, "Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am." He mumbled, now going back to staring up at the stars painted on her ceiling.

They were both silent for a moment until Amelie spoke up, "What are you going to do about it?"

Sam closed his eyes, "Colby and I are filming a couple video's in Canada at the start of the new year with our friends Katrina and Celina - You know Kat and Celina right?"

Amelie nodded, she knew Celina from the woman coming up on her foryou page at least seven times a week and Katrina from that one time Colby had been drunk and airing out Sam's business... And in a moment of weakness Amelie then went on to stalk the girl for half an hour in the back of a cab on the way home. Was it her proudest moment? No... Did she accidentally like a photo from 2017 and start rocking back and forth? Yes.


"I guess I'll just... I don't know, wait to find out more?"

"You're an idiot with a ghost up your ass." She laughed after a moment, finally finding humour in the whole situation.

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose, "We think it's a little girl."

Amelie's eyes twinkled with excitement at that, "You have a child up your ass?" She smirked, "Jesus, Sam I know I said you weren't a nonce, but lord are you making it hard for me not to think twice."

"And to think I was gonna suggest wathcing Revenge of the sith, but fuck you."

Her smile dropped, "You can't do that to me!"

"Oh, yeah? Watch me." He reached to grab his phone from his back pocket and swiped up, instantly scrolling on instagram instead of going to the remote app Amelie had made him download so she wouldn't have to stand up a few days ago.

"You're a horrible person, Golbach."

He just gave her his signature smile as she rolled onto her side, ignoring him. Little did she know he was about to turn on the tv, and little did he know he wouldn't be going to sleep until after 6 am the next day.

 Little did she know he was about to turn on the tv, and little did he know he wouldn't be going to sleep until after 6 am the next day

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𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧, sam golbachWhere stories live. Discover now