The Shatter of Shields

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(Credit to ZhakaBeat for the help with his characters dialogue. Expect part 2 soon.)

It has been a few days since the return of Kaiser and the Iron Blood ladies. Kaiser was sitting in his, newly built, house that the Manju's built for him as a thanks. It was a quaint little 2 story house, it was cozy, he liked it. Specially since Kaiserin was sharing it with him.

That peace didn't last long though as Hornet busts through his door yelling...

"Kaiser! Commander needs ya! Get yer hunky ass out here and bring yer wife too!" Boy was he glad he could understand her.

Kaiserin heard the commotion and followed him, it took only a minute for them to reach the Commanders office he nearly broke the door when he met the Comamnders, and someone else.

"Teddy?? The fuck is going on for you to be here?!" Kaiser asked hastily

"Kaiser! Your here good, Sakura Empire is being attacked full force by Sirens. Seems they don't want you allying them! You struck the hornets nest boy!"

He hurried to let the Draco look over the images. Sure enough they were being pounded.

"How long ago were these taken?"

"Less than an hour ago. We need to hurry!" Teddy said rather bluntly.

"Kaiser, Me and Vogel are giving you command over a fleet. Send aid and take as many as you need. Hurry, if we lose the Sakura Empire we lose a lot of manpower!"

He gives a nod before radioing everyone to the docks.

Within 10 minutes over 50 Kansens were at the docks and he was standing on his ship. He yelled to the crowd

"ALRIGHT! We are heading into a BIG fight, I need every Ironblood to come with me, Enterprise, Cleveland being your sisters, I will be flagship follow my lead as given by the commanders. We are going to send these sirens to Hell! Everyone else protect this base, I'll have Zero and Tester lead their siblings here for extra defense. Now, EVERYONE LOAD UP! FEET FIRST INTO HELL!"

Everyone roared in agreement soon the entire base was bustling readying the girls going and preparing defenses in case they get attacked. The Sirens following Kaiser helped where they could for defense.

No later than an hour passed and they were almost ready to leave when someone caught his attention.

It was a blind folded Archosauria.. it was his star pupil Gharian. Kaiser called out to him

"Kid?? The hell you doing here?! Your supposed to be back in Terra!"

The Archosauria in question jumped aboard his ship.

"Heya Boss! Dusk told me you we're gonna get yourself into a big fight, said she wanted me to join in for some support so she just kinda snagged me and opened a portal, I got your back though!"

Gharian cheerfully explained as he ran around Kaiser like an energetic child. Much as he wasn't expecting he gladly accepted the help. He pulled the energetic kid into a side hug

"Alright if ya want to help so be it, just stick next to me."

He received a nod in response. Kaiser turned on his radio to the girls following.

"Everyone! Where we are going is hell on earth! Get ready for a fight, get ready to smash any and all enemy sirens into smithereens, and most of all show no mercy! We set sail now, we will be there within a couple hours, Akagi and Kaga are already ahead of us with a few destroyers. EVERYONE MOVE OUT!"

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