Friend Zoned

377 9 16

TW: Gay love, Scarian
Third person POV (Grian):

Today was the day, the day Grian would finally face his feelings. His feelings for Scar.

He had loved the elven king ever since he met him in Season 6. Back then, he was just too afraid Scar would say no, since they didn't know each other all that well. But now they have known each other for three seasons, and Grian couldn't hold back his love for Scar any longer.

The way Scar smiled at the littlest things, his laughter filling up a room and brightening the mood of any situation. The way he throws his arms up in defense when he's scared, the way he always has an outfit for every occasion. The way he always gets himself into some form of trouble and always finds new creative ways to die on accident. The way the sunset highlights the pretty features on his face and the feeling Grian gets deep inside of his heart every time he sees the elven prince.

Grian was mad in love. There was no other way to describe how he felt, and today, he hoped to make his dream become a reality. To make the bond between him and Scar grow stronger.

Grian put on his iconic red sweater, along with some ripped blue jeans and his usual black boots. He pruned his huge parot like wings to look the best they could possibly look before fixing his hair. With one last check across his whole body in the mirror, he decided to take off, feeling satisfied with how he looked.

He flew the short distance over to Scarland, where he presumed Scar would be hanging around, doing a few loops in the air as his heart fluttered with emotions. Red, blue and green feathers flew everywhere as he flapped his wings, making for a beautiful scene from below. With one swift movement, Grian was back onto the ground in front of Scarland. He walked towards the entrance, giving the operators his VIP entrance key he got from Scar before entering the beautiful theme park.

He looked around for a certain Elvish prince, a hard hat ever precent on his head. Grian spotted Scar building off in the distance next to the castle. Grian could see he was working on some form of a road. Before he saw Scar, Grian was almost certain of his decisions, but now that the elf was a few steps away, Grian couldn't help but feel the nervous pit forming in his stomach.

This was a silly idea, and Grian knew it. So he decided to flee, but before he could take off once more, Scar had spotted him. A huge bright smile formed on his face.

"Grian! To what do I owe the pleasure?" Scar stood up from where he was working on the path, greeting Grian with one of his usual tight hugs. Grian let out a mock choking sound, giggling right after. "You are crushing me, Scar..."

"Oh, sorry!" Scar yelled, letting go as quickly as he possibly could. Grian started laughing at Scars apologetic expression, while Scar just gave him a soft hit over the head. "Owww! Really! You hit me over the head! Come on!" Grian said in an offensive over dramatic sense. Scar only laughed, lighting up the mood once more and causing Grians cheeks to flush red as the avian turned his head away to not show his face.

"So uh, Scar? Would you like to take a walk through the shopping district? I want to check out all of the new shops, and I kinda want some company. I asked Mumbo, but he's busy doing some redstone business with Iskall."

Grian rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, a small nervous grin plastered on his face, making him look a little stupid. Scars eyes were beaming with joy as his smile somehow grew even bigger. He grabbed Grians hand, taking out a few rockets in the other before taking off and dragging Grian along with him unexpectedly.

Grian let out a surprised squawking sound before eventually flying with his own wings. In the air, Grian felt free. He felt amazing. And now, with Scar flying beside him, he felt like he could take on the world. Both of the Hermits landed in the shopping district before they started strolling, looking around at all of the old and new shops, remembering old memories and forming new ones.

They chatted for hours, pranking one another and teasing the other till they were red in the face from laughing. They went on a shopping spree, buying stuff they knew they weren't going to use, but they bought it anyway. They were having so much fun that the time flew by like it was never present, and Grian totally forgot about his confession. Until now.

Both of the Hermits were sitting on a cliffs edge, basking in the last few rays of the sun as it slowly faded away behind the mountains. The colors of the rays lit up all of the beautiful features on Scars face, which only made Grian realize why he was here. He sucked in a breath, getting ready to ask the question. A question that might change everything, whether it be for the good or the bad.

Grian turned a bit to face Scar, his cheeks a light tint of Rose as he stared at the gorgeous man in front of him, before he got the courage to speak up.
"Um, Scar. I got something I wanted to ask you..." Grian folded his arms in nervousness as Scar turned his attention to the feathered man.

"What is it, Gri?" Scar asked, encouraging the smaller male to continue with his question. "Well, I just wanted to say... I love you and-"

"I love you too, Grian! You're my best friend, and I'm so glad I found such a good friend like you!" Scar was grinning ear to ear, but Grian was frowning. Was that really all that Scar fought of them? Did he really just see them as friends, as companions? Who was he kidding, Scar would never love him back. What was he even thinking?

"Yeah, best friends forever..." Grian's voice didn't sound like his own, and his smile was dim and fake. Scar didn't notice this, however, as he was too busy focusing on the sunset and how pretty it looked. Scar didn't know this, but he hurt Grian in more ways than the both of them knew, and his "best friend" was secretly dying on the inside next to him.

"I- I have to go Scar. It's getting late, and I need to feed Professor Beak, hehe. " Grian chirped, rubbing the back of his neck before standing up and flying away, not even waiting for Scar to say goodbye. He flew all the way back to his base in a struggle. It was kind of hard to see through his tears.

As the sun completely set behind the mountains, and all that was left was the light of the lanterns in Grians base, Grian fed his parrot like he said he would, checked up on Grumbot, and then went back up to his base to flop down onto his bed.

That night, he cried himself to sleep, the words of his crush crushing his soul as it repeatedly played itself over and over in Grians mind. His chest hurt a bit, but it was probably from all of the sulking and crying.

He eventually fell asleep, Professor Beak sleeping on his pillow next to him, and the sounds of the trees rustling, the mobs grouning and Grian's faint sniffs was all that was heard.


Thank you for reading the first chapter! Hope you enjoyed it :D

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