Coughing Fit

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TW: Mentions of being ill, being sick, nausea, pain.
Third Person's POV:

Grian layed on what he could only imagine was a bed, his eyes still closed due to his massive headache. He winced at the pain, wanting to just lay there and get consumed by the world. He felt awful, and he couldn't tell what was worse. His headache, the scratching feeling in his throat, or the slight feeling of nausea.

He could suddenly hear voices from a bit away, talking about something. With his eyes still shut, he decided to listen in, trying to figure out where he was and why he felt so bad. "He fell out of the sky! I caught him just in time before he would have had a painful repawn." Came Keralis' voice from the other room, and Grian's memories got restored. He was sick and might have flown when he knew he shouldn't have.

"How's your shoulder, Keralis? X told me you hit it against a tree?" *Was that Cub? What was wrong with Keralis' shoulder?* "I'm fine, Cub. I just hit it while catching Grian. It was just a stupid crash landing. I'm all good!" *Oh no... I hurt Papa K!*

Grian felt extra guilty now, knowing he not only worried his friends but got one injured. He decided to open his eyes, peeking through one before opening both simultaneously. He quickly brought up one hand to shield his eyes, the room being too bright for some reason. Once his eyes adjusted, he took a look around. He was in his room. There was a few medical stuff next to him, probably Cubs.

He tried sitting up, using his hands to push himself into a sitting position. This caused a coughing fit, however, Grian clutching his chest as he coughed for what felt like an eternity. Cub and Keralis came rushing into the room, Cub checking his medical kit for a healing potion while Keralis made comforting sircles on Grian's back.

Eventually, the coughing fit died down, leaving only a scratching feeling in Grians throat. Cub handed him a healing potion, which he started to slowly drink. Grian didn't want to admit it, but as much as he didn't want his friends to worry about him, he was glad they were there. The potion helped with Grians headache and nausea, but the scratchy feeling in his throat stayed.

Grian took a few deep breaths, his hair sticking to his sweaty forhead. "Thank you..." He managed to wisper in a hoarse, raspy voice. "Anytime, G." Keralis said with a sad smile as Cub took Grian's temperature. "Have you eaten anything yet today, Grian?" Cub spoke up, pulling out the thermometer and showing it to Keralis, earning him a concerned look from the brown haired male.

"No, I don't usually eat breakfast..." Grian confessed, a small cough followed soon after. "Alright, I need you to eat something in order for me to give you medicine." Cub took out his communicator and started typing something Grian couldn't see. Keralis started making his way towards Grian's kitchen. "I'll make you some soup, Gri!"
He shouted in exitement before disappearing around the corner.

Once Cub was done messaging someone, he walked towards the bedrooms bathroom to soak the cold towel in water once more. He came back, placing the towel on Grian's forhead. This caused Grian to feel oddly comfortable as he closed his eyes, a sigh of relief the last thing Cub heared before he fell back to sleeping.

Cub sits on a chair next to Grian's bed, checking through his med kit till Keralis gets done with the soup. He was soon interrupted by a knock on the bedroom door. He stood up, heading for the door and opening it. "Xisuma, Beef. Come in." The three men walked into the room, Cub going back to his seat next to the bed. Xisuma stood next to Cub, talking to him about Grian's current state while Beef went to sit next to Grian on the bed, stroking his hair.

Keralis came into the room soon after with freshly made musroom soup. He placed it on a barrel that was next to Grian's bed before joining the rest at standing next to the bed. "How is he?" Xisuma asked, breaking the silence. "He has a fever that I am trying to bring down, as well as the random coughing fits. I think he might just have a cold, but I'll monitor him till I know for sure. He's fine for now."

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