Pool of petals

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TW: (You all probably already know the symptoms of the disease, so just keep it in mind)
Third Person's POV:

Grian sat on the corner of his bed, his eyes panicked and dull as he stared down at the now rinsed off rose petal. It was purely white, a symbol of purity, of being clean. That wasn't the petals former look. Blood used to stain its innocents.

Grian kept examining the flower pettal, looking at it from all angles as if doing so would give him the awnseres to his questions. Coughing up blood wasn't common, but at least it made sense. Coughing up a rose petal? That was an entirely different story Grian didn't even want to think about.

The winged Hermit stood up from his position, plasing the rose petal on the barrel next to his bed as he left his room. He needed to find someone. He needed to tell someone. Someone had to help him. Mumbo! His best friend, his brother figure. He would surely help. Right?

Grian didn't feel like flying. He hasn't pruned his wings in a while, and with the way his head was spiraling, he knew the chance to fly into something would be likely. He left his base by foot, using the run-down bridge to walk to Mumbo's base in a hurry, hastily jumping over a view spots in the bridge where the rocks fell out.

Mumbo's base wasn't entirely finished yet, but the mustached man was happy with how it was coming along. He loved the vault part that he had already built, and he called it his home. That's where Grian was heading, seeking comfort from his best friend.

Mumbo was cleaning the inside of his fault home, doing a bit of dusting when he heard the vault door open up behind him. The taller male turned around to be met by a shorter, winged Hermit. Grian. The messy blond wasn't looking too good. He had faint bags under his eyes, his posture was a bit leaned over, his face was awefully pale, and his eyes were dull and widened as if he had seen a ghost.

"Grian? You okay, bud?" Mumbo's words were barely spoken before Grian ran up to him, giving him the tightest hug and holding onto him as if his life depended on it. Grian was mumbling words Mumbo couldn't understand, and he watched in grief as the smaller of the two started sniffling, tears rolling down his face.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, Gri. What's wrong? You can tell me anything!" Mumbo tried to be optimistic, but the worry in his voice drowned out his pitiful attempts at hiding his true feelings. Grian didn't respond. His small figure only began to shake more violently, causing Mumbo to feel a bit more panicked..

He helped Grian over to his bed in the corner, sitting him down as he got out his communicator. He was about to message X and Cub when Grian stopped him, grabbing onto his arm so he couldn't tipe anything.

Grian only shook his head, and that was enough for the mustached man to understand the message. "Alright, G, I won't." Mumbo said uncertainly, putting away his communicator and taking his place next to Grian.

He opened his arms, inviting the winged Hermit to find a place in them as Grian held onto Mumbo's shirt, crying into his chest. Mumbo drew small sircles on Grian's back, trying to calm the other down. He had no idea what to do, and he really wished he could have asked X or Cub or someone to come and give him the advice he needed.

After a while, Grian's sobbing turned into quiet sniffling, and the avian had calmed down enough to move away from Munbo and look the other in the eye once again. Mumbo gave Grian a soft smile, ensuring him that everything was okay and that he was safe.

"Are you ready to tell me what's wrong now, G? I'm getting really worried..." Mumbo asked, nervously fiddling with his hands as Grian lowered his head, apparently deep in faught.

A few minutes later, the avian still hasn't said a word. Mumbo had reasured him that he was safe and that he could speak of any troubles that worried him. Grian remained silent. Just when Mumbo was about to give up, Grian lifted his chin up to meet Mumbo's gaze, his eyes dull and red, the red puffs under his eyes ever present from his previous crying session.

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