This is unrequited love...

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TW: The normal Hanahaki disease triggers warnings! I'm too lazy to write them out :D
Third Person's POV:

"Thorns?! Thorns?! Grian, what the heck?!" Grian covered his ears as he tried to cancel out the noise of Gem screaming beside him. He could see she was panicked, which only made him feel worse about them finding out. But not just that, her panicked state caused his own panic to rise.

What the heck is happening?! Thorns?! The last time Grian checked, it was just petals. Grian felt like throwing up just at the idea of thorns, somehow leaving his mouth and scratching his throat to pieces. Was that what caused the bleeding?

Grian's faughts were racing, and he started to hyperventilate. He couldn't calm himself down, the stinging from his lungs making it hard to breathe. He felt like drowning in his own tears and panic rose up into his head every time he tried to inhale the air around him.

Gem stopped her panicked pacing when she saw the condition Grian was in. She gave Grian a tight hug, trying to calm him down, but nothing was working. She decided to turn to the only other person she knew would be able to calm Grian down. VintageBeef.

Gem hurriedly ran towards her communicator she left on a table in the far corner of the room. Wasting no time, she contacted the raven hared Hermit, hoping his awnser would come soon.
You whispered to VintageBeef> Beef, it's an emergency! Please meet me at *** and make it quick. We have a panicked Hermit on our hands!!!

VintageBeef whispered to you> Alright, on my way. Just hold their hand tightly till I get there

You whispered to VintageBeef> Alright, will do...

Gem made her way back over towards the bed, quickly hiding the bucket she gave Grian so that Beef didn't know what had happened. She sat on the bed next to Grian, holding his hand and rubbing sircles on it to try and calm Grian down.

She didn't know the first thing about calming a person down from such a bad panicked state, and she just hoped Beef would get here soon, because it looked like the panicked breathing Grian was doing was somehow hurting him. It was probably because of the thorns..


Beef came barging into the room, his eyes frantically searching around the clearing, till he saw the panicked Grian beside Gem. His eyes softened, and he went to sit on the bed's corner opposite Gem. He gave her a soft smile, the kindness in his eyes that of a mother's, before he asked his questions.

"What happened to trigger his panic attac? Do you know?" Beefs voice was tender and loving, which somewhat confused Gem. She hasn't played with Beef a lot before, but from what she's heard, he wasn't seen as the soft loving tipe of person. She snapped back to reality, shaking out her nerves while her reindeer ears flopped around. Once she was back fully, she awnsered Beefs question.

"I'm not sure. He had a sick episode, and then I sorta panicked and started pacing the room. Once I looked back, he was panicking." Beef seemed to be lost in fought for a second before he seemed to understand the situation. "Your panicked state might have sent him into a frenzy." This made Gem feel guilty as she stared back at the avian Hermit next to her.

Beef took Grians' left hand into his, placing it firmly against his chest and holding it in place with his own hand. "Alright, Grian, I know you can hear me, just try to concentrate on my breathing, alright? Deep breaths. Come on, buddy, you can do it."

Beef began to breathe heavily and slowly, trying to get Grian to stop hyperventilating this way. After a few minutes of what seemed to be nine or ten, Grian began to calm down, his breathing and heart rate patterns slowing down to normal rate. Once Grian was fully back to reality, he leaned onto Beefs shoulder, silent tears streaming down the sides of his face.

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