A deadly secret

297 11 14

TW: (Yall know the warnings for the Hanahaki disease. Just keep it in mind)
Third Person's POV:

Mumbo stood in the frame of the doorway, his eyes widened in shock as his hands instinctively covered his mouth. He couldn't comprehend the horrific scene displayed in front of him. Grian, on his knees, with little to zero emotion on his face, was staring down at the small pool of blood. His own blood.

It was only when Grian started coughing up small droplets of blood once more when Mumbo snapped out of his shocked state, rushing over towards Grian and quickly kneeling down next to him, rubbing sircles on his back to help with the coughing. A few more blood droplets, as well as one more small petal, left Grian's throat as the smaller Hermit heavily leaned into Mumbo from exhaustion.

His eyes were half closed, with some blood smeered on his chin, where he tried to whipe his mouth off with his sleeve. He looked half dead, and from the scene in front of Mumbo, the mustached Hermit also fought his friend was dying in front of him. He needed to get his communicator. He needed to contact someone, stat.

Mumbo tried to stand up, desperate to get to the living room where he left his communicator, but something was stopping him. Grian was holding onto him for dear life, his hands firmly grasping Mumbo's jacket. "Let go of me, Grian. I need to contact someone. You just coughed up blood!"

Mumbo's voice was laced with concern and urgency, his eyes searching the smaller's face as he tried once more to be freed. But Grian was having none of it. "No, Mumbo. No... Don't contact anyone! P-please don't." Grian's voice was barely above a wisper, but it also had a sense of urgency Mumbo could detect. "But Grian, you need a doctor! A medic! Someone for redstones' sake!"

Grian didn't budge. He only stared down at the floor, at the small petal and the crimson liquid, his face puzzled. He looked back up towards the sink were he remembered seeing a bunch of petals. There's more blood and petals then last time, and as much as it concerned the smaller hermit, he didn't want anyone to know. He didn't want anyone to worry.

"Please, Mumbo. No one can know of this. Please..." *Grian responded, begging Mumbo as he looked up at his friends face, his eyes pleeding, searching for awnsers.

Mumbo let out a small sigh, rubbing his face as he groaned in disapproval. He gave in, however, making a deal with Grian. He wouldn't tell a soul what happened if Grian agreed to stay with him so he could take care of him. Also, Mumbo had permission to call someone if whatever was happening to Grian were to get way worse or out of hand.

The smaller agreed, and it became their little secret. A deadly secret.

Mumbo helped Grian back into the living room, covering the smaller with some of the blankets from the blanket fort, before he went back towards the bathroom to clean up the mess. Something was up, something was wrong with Grian, and Mumbo was too afraid to know what it was.


It had been almost a week since that day. Grian had moved into Mumbo's house, setting up shop in Mumbo's living room near the stairs in his little blanket nest fort. He would spend most of his time in there, sleeping away or chatting to the Epires folk on his communicator.

The Hermits were a bit confused as to why, but Mumbo just told them a small white lie. That Grian was having some trouble sleeping because of some past trauma, and Mumbo was looking after him. It wasn't the full truth, but it also wasn't a total lie. Mumbo was taking care of Grian, but it was for a far worse reason. He was just glad nobody questioned his awnser to their questions.

Grian would hang out with the other Hermits during the day since his "blood episodes" seemed to happen only at night. It also, strangely enough, seemed to happen when Grian saw something that looked like Scar or reminded him of Scar, which was a weird concept to the mustached man, but he brushed it off. Because of this, however, Mumbo had to get rid of his HotGuy poster in his base.

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