xv. What Nobody Expected

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CHAPTER FIFTEEN ( what nobody expected )

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( what nobody expected )

     SINCE WE WERE the first heroes to ever return alive to Half-Blood Hill after Luke, everybody treated us like heroes

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SINCE WE WERE the first heroes to ever return alive to Half-Blood Hill after Luke, everybody treated us like heroes. We followed the old camp tradition, and wore laurel wreaths to a big feast prepared in our honor. Then, we led a procession down to the bonfire, where we got to burn the burial shrouds our cabins had made for us in our absence. My siblings decorated mine with golden silk with actual gold sewed in between the linings, a lyre embroidered in the middle of it.

Annabeth's shroud was gorgeous – gray silk with embroidered owls – Percy even told her it seemed a shame not to bury her in it. She punched him and told him to shut up.

Being the son of Poseidon, Percy didn't have any cabin mates, so the Ares cabin had volunteered to make his own shroud. They'd taken an old bedsheet and painted smiley faces with X'ed-out eyes around the border, and the word LOSER painted really big in the middle. Lee had to physically restrain me from fighting back against Clarisse and her friends, so the least I could do was offer to cut my own shroud in half and share it with Percy, but he refused.

My cabin led the sing-along and passed out toasted marshmallows, and to say that I missed the flavor of the marshmallows melting in my mouth was an understatement. Will was ecstatic to have me back safe and sound, and he talked my ear off for half the bonfire about what he did in my absence; I have to say, I missed that too.

Everything fell back to normal. Percy sat with old Hermes cabin mates, Annabeth laughed with her friends from Athena's cabin and Grover's satyr buddies were admiring the brand new searcher's license he'd received from the Council of Cloven Elders. The council had called Grover's performance on the quest 'Brave to the point of indigestion. Horns and-whiskers above anything we have seen in the past.'

The only ones not in a mood to celebrate were Clarisse and her cabinmates, whose poisonous looks were a sign of never forgiving Percy for 'disgracing their dad'.

I was so relieved to be back home safe that even Mr. D's welcome-home speech didn't ruin the night for me. "Yes, yes, so the little brat didn't get himself killed and now he'll have an even bigger head. Well, huzzah for that. In other announcements, there will be no canoe races this Saturday. . ."

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