xvi. Bull Fighting With Fake Bulls

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CHAPTER SIXTEEN ( bull fighting with fake bulls )

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( bull fighting with fake bulls )

CHAPTER SIXTEEN ( bull fighting with fake bulls )

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     MY DAY BEGAN with a boom. Literally and figuratively.

I thought that these last months while I waited for next summer to arrive would be uneventful, just like every other year, but I was wrong. When you find out that one of your supposed best friends betrayed you and what you believe in, it tends to mess up your life a little. I did my best to ignore the topic and instead planted all my focus on organizing the cabin's activities, which was my job since Lee was gone. Maybe I over exceeded the archery and sword fighting lessons, but those were the only things I could concentrate on without leaving me to my own thoughts. 

I did my best to Iris-message Annabeth, just to make sure she was doing all right back home with her dad, and I was relieved when she said it was going smoothly. I admit, I tried contacting Percy too, since there was a part of me that missed him, but I didn't want to be a distraction. The only reminder I had of him was the newly added trident charm to my bracelet and the strip of photos we took at the photobooth in the Lotus Casino.

I could've spent these long months focusing on missing my friends, but unfortunately there were more serious tasks in hand to place my attention to. Instead of playing volleyball like before, all of the cabins were busy stockpiling weapons in the tool shed. Dryads were armed with bows and arrows and talked nervously at the edge of the woods. The forest, which once painted the entire camp in a beautiful green painting, now looked ill and pale yellow, the fire marks on the hill stood out like ugly scars. Camp Half-Blood, my home for the last six years, was changing for the worse, and it scared me to pieces.

Today, like every day before that, Half-Blood Hill was under attack. I had expected to come across any old monster in the book, but what I saw was the complete opposite. Two bulls. And not just regular bulls, these were bronze, and the size of elephants. Colchis Bulls, Hephaestus's creation. I cursed in Ancient Greek under my breath, since I had volunteered to join this border patrol group yesterday, thinking it would be uneventful.

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