4. House Visit

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Gerard stood before the run-down apartment complex. This was where Frank lived? He couldn't help but pity the man. He let himself in the main door, finding it to be unlocked; the place didn't seem too safe, either. Gerard gracefully made his way up the narrow stairwell, the fluorescent lights flickering above him. He stopped at the fourth apartment. This was Frank's; he could tell by the boy's scent. He checked his wrist watch; the time read 9:32 PM. There was every chance that Frank would be home at this hour. Gerard hesitated, pressing his ear up against the door. He couldn't hear any noise coming from inside the apartment - no television, not even breathing. He lifted the corner of the welcome mat with the toe of his boot to reveal a spare key. Poor Frank, Gerard mused, he must have a lot of trust in his neighbours...

Gerard didn't turn on any lights as he crept silently through the apartment; he could see well enough, even in the dark. He casually took note of the interior - the bare kitchen, the broken couch, the guitar lying on the unmade bed. He wrinkled his nose in disgust - not for Frank, of course, but for the conditions that he lived in. Judging by the lone bedroom, Gerard could gather that Frank had no roommates. He wondered if the man was lonely.

Of course, Gerard was no stranger to loneliness himself. He had been a vampire for just shy of forty years now, and in that time he had never found a companion. At least being alone had given him plenty of time to experience all the things he had never accomplished during his mortality. Gerard wondered if Frank had similar dreams and aspirations to what his were when he was a young boy. He wondered if Frank dreamed of owning a wonderful house, of having a wife or husband to grow old with. He studied the guitar lying on the bed; maybe the boy wished to start a career in music.

He glanced around the dull apartment, wondering if, even with all the ambition in the world, Frank would ever be able to achieve those things. A pang of immense sorrow overcame Gerard. He wanted to help the boy; Frank seemed so sweet. He had tasted so sweet.

Gerard jumped a foot in the air when he heard footsteps coming up the stairs, stopping at Frank's door. He hesitated, listening in. Those steps were much too heavy, the strides much too far apart, to belong to someone as small as Frank. His eyes flitted towards the sound of the rusty letter slot in the door being pushed open, a single slip of paper falling through the crack and onto the dusty mat. The footsteps retreated down the stairs. Gerard remained frozen until he heard a car start in the street below.

He picked up the letter, unfolding it gently. His eyes travelled swiftly over the words:



Ref #: 02-2379                                                                      Date: October 4th, 2004

Frank Lero
12 Elmwood Avenue, Apt. 4
Belleville NJ 07189

You are hereby notified to vacate the premises described in the address above within one week (7 days) of the delivery of this notice. Your lease has been terminated due to failure to pay rent on time. If you fail to vacate the premises within this time period, legal action will be taken immediately to evict you from the premises.

Bradley Turner                                                                                      Jordan Stanton
Landlord                                                                                                                  Witness


Gerard turned over the page to see a handwritten note scrawled on the back:

I'm sorry I had to do this Frank, but you left me with no choice. Rent is due the first Friday of every month, not whenever. Take care of yourself, I'll be coming to collect your keys on Monday, October 11th. -Brad.

He stood in silence as the cogs turned in his head, his plan only solidifying more and more. Frank could have a place to stay... And Gerard could have Frank. What more could he want? Gerard smiled to himself, folding the note back up and placing it on the doormat. He exited the apartment swiftly, grinning all the way home.

He just needed to make a plan.

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