30. Not Knowing You'd Change From Just One Bite

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Gerard fell to his knees beside Frank.

"Fuck," he whispered, reaching out to grab Frank's hand. His eyes widened when he noticed the absence of usual warmth; Frank's hands were nearly as cold as his. "Listen, I'm going to move you out of here."

"Don't," Frank sputtered. Gerard's eyes travelled down to the enormous gashes that stretched across Frank's side. "It hurts," he whined.

"Fuck, Frankie," Gerard sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

"No," Frank said, his wavering voice sounding marginally firmer. "I'm sorry I left home in the first place. It's all my fault."

Gerard shushed him.

"Don't say that." He rested his pale hand gently on Frank's torso and Frank winced, his stomach sucking in. His breath rattled in his chest. "Fuck, Frank, what am I going to do?"

"It's fine," Frank said, smiling faintly. "I'll be okay."

"Don't lie to me, Frank," Gerard pleaded hoarsely. "You're not okay."

"I love you," Frank whispered. Gerard sobbed.

"Don't fucking say that, Frank!" He wailed. "You're not leaving me."

Frank closed his eyes, sipping the metallic-tainted air in shallow gasps. Gerard slammed his fist against the floor.

He couldn't let this happen. Gerard was not letting another person he loved slip away due to mortal frailty. He thought back to how he used to curse his existence, finally realising that it was never the immortality that concerned him. He was never afraid to keep on living; it was having to walk the world alone that scared him. Gerard leaned in, hovering over the man's delicate neck. He was much too selfish to let Frank elude him.

When Gerard first sank his teeth in, Frank howled in pain. His body was going to put up a fight, instinctively trying to escape the excruciating sensation. Gerard forced him back down, pinning his arms by his sides gently.

"I'm sorry Frank," he choked. He bent down to plant another bite above Frank's heart. Frank screeched and rolled over, convulsing, before everything went black.

Frank felt like he was underwater, shrouded in darkness. He blinked blearily, a searing headache shooting through him as he opened his eyes. All he could see was white.

Huh. That wasn't good. Things weren't usually white when you closed your eyes. Frank tried rolling over; his body felt like it was on fire. He wet his lips, opening his mouth to call out.

"Gerard? Gerard!" He called, his voice echoing around him.

Another voice answered him, one that he didn't expect to hear.



Frank tried to sit up from where he was lying. Where was Ray's voice coming from? Frank looked down, noticing that he didn't have a body.

"Ray? Where are you?"

"I'm here Frank, you just can't see me yet. Try not to panic, okay?"

Frank felt heat swimming around his eyes.

"Ray? I missed you," he sobbed. "I missed you so much."

"It's okay," Ray said. "You'll be with me again soon. You're gonna be fine."

"Where's Gerard?"

There was a silence.

"Ray?" Frank called out. He felt a sharp, hot pain surge through him. "Aw, fuck! Ray, I'm burning."

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