25. Pulsing Through My Veins Like You Ain't a Sin

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"You still haven't told me what you want for Christmas, Frank," Gerard mentioned on the morning of the 23rd. He and Frank were resting on the couch in front of the fire, Gerard's head in Frank's lap while Frank turned the pages of Huckleberry Finn.

"You don't have to get me anything," Frank reasoned, putting down his book. "I feel bad."

"Frank," Gerard said softly. He sat up so he could face Frank properly. "I like spoiling you."

"But you're always paying for me!"

"Don't stress it," Gerard insisted, "for Christmas gifts, I tend to just buy something fun. I save the meaningful gifts for birthdays."

"Same! What the fuck," Frank chuckled. "I thought I was the only person that did that."

"It's because, like, back when I had a bunch of people to buy for I wanted to save money. So I just figured I should just get them all a small something for Christmas. It's easier that way."

"Literally," Frank agreed. "Still, that doesn't mean you need to get me anything."

"I'll tell you what," Gerard began, "I'll try and look for something that we can share. How 'bout that?"

"That sounds better," Frank mused. "Can I get something for you?"

"Sure, But if you get something for me, don't spend more than twenty-five bucks," Gerard said, a smile creeping up on his lips. "You get a blowjob anyway, so..."

Frank snorted with laughter.

"I'd better find you something cool."

Frank wandered the packed aisles of the shopping mall, dodging as many people as he could. It was no use, though; he still managed to collide with a few different parties - a family of kids coming back from Santa photos here, a determined mom pushing a trolley at an alarming pace there. Frank's eyes swept over the displays in the store windows as he walked; he wanted Gerard's gift to be perfect. Nothing too plain for his personality, nothing too flash or expensive. Above all, Frank wanted a personal gift, something that said I listen and I care. Gerard had dropped him off at one end of the shopping mall, disappearing into the Christmassy crowd in search of his own gift for Frank. Frank sighed; Gerard's gift was probably going to be amazing, just like everything the vampire bought and did.

Frank was about to give up hope when he passed a small, dingy shop down the quieter end of the mall. He recognised it to be Riot! Threads and Trinkets, a store that sold punk and alternative clothes and accessories. Frank had been in there a few times, simply to browse - though he did steal a pair of fingerless gloves with a skeleton print on them back when he was nineteen. Frank slipped into the store, dodging a group of mall goth-looking teenagers who were huddled around the entrance. Perhaps he could find a quirky accessory or some sort of weird collector's item in here. Frank's eyes scanned the shelves as he wandered up and down the aisles. And that's when he spotted it.

There, hanging off a rack among an array of belts and harnesses, was a sleek leather belt. Frank lifted it off the hook, admiring the chunky, gothic-looking buckle, which assumed the shape of a bat. It was fucking perfect, and it was something Gerard could actually do with. Just the other day, Frank and Gerard been talking about how he needed a new belt. Frank inspected the bat more closely, praying that it wasn't made from actual silver. He was pretty sure it'd be fine; the buckle was likely made from pewter or something similar, since it wasn't very shiny. Besides, he didn't expect anything from this shop to be made from any real, valuable materials. Frank hastily flipped over the price tag; the belt was twenty-five dollars.

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