23. Buckle Up for Christmas

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Frank lay in Gerard's bed, nestled amongst a cocoon of blankets. In the corner of the room stood a portable heater that Gerard had picked up on Black Friday to combat the cold. It was too cosy; Frank was too comfortable to get up. Instead, his eyes followed Gerard as he got dressed, changing from his pyjamas to his day clothes. Frank watched as Gerard threaded his belt through the loops on his jeans, fiddling with the buckle awkwardly. It seemed to be bent in one spot, making it difficult for Gerard to fasten his belt.

"You look like you're due for a new belt, Gee," Frank noted casually, his voice still sounding a little croaky from just having woken up.

Gerard jingled the buckle slightly as he re-adjusted his belt on his hips.

"I know," he groaned. "It's not the belt that's the problem; it's only the buckle that's bent."

"How'd you manage that?" Frank wondered.

"I dunno," Gerard said, wracking his brain for any memory of breaking his belt buckle. "I must've whacked it on something."

"You should get one of those cowboy belts with the rhinestones," Frank joked. Gerard chuckled. He hooked his thumbs into his pockets, posing like he was in a Mexican standoff.

"My name's Gee Way," he said, putting on a western accent, "I'm the new sheriff in town."

Frank snorted, tipping his head back with laughter. Gerard shook his head, chuckling.

"I should honestly get one of those belts just for fun," he mused. "I love those sort of trashy, funky accessories."

"I had a pink belt once," Frank said. "My mom threw it out."

"Asshole," Gerard muttered. Frank chuckled lightly. He watched as a mischievous glint flickered in Gerard's eye, as if an idea had just come to him in a flash of brilliance.

Frank began to sit up in bed as Gerard strode over to him.

"Pinch, punch," Gerard said jokingly, offering Frank a delicate bump with his fist. Frank groaned, stumbling out of bed to get Gerard back. Gerard nonchalantly held up two fingers. "White rabbit," he said cockily.

"Ugh," Frank groaned, butting his head against Gerard's shoulder. "You're so childish."

"Whatever," Gerard said, a hint of humour in his voice. "It's officially Christmas season!"

"True," Frank said. He stood up on his tiptoes to plant a kiss on Gerard's cheek. "We should get a tree."

"I'd love to," Gerard agreed. "A real one or a fake one?"

"Fake," Frank said quickly. "Real trees set off my allergies."

Gerard and Frank wandered the packed shopping mall, Christmas decorations streaming from the high ceilings. Frank hated shopping at Christmas time; it was always so anxiety-inducing. Thankfully, he and Gerard only had one thing on their list. Together, they selected a lush, seven-foot tall, plastic fir tree.

"Wanna get some decorations, too? Gerard asked. "I have some at home, but they're pretty bland."

"Sure thing," Frank smiled. He and Gerard scouted the aisles for ornaments, eventually settling on some red and gold tinsel, as well as some matching baubles. They marched through the crowds to return to the parking lot, the box containing the tree tucked under Gerard's arm and Frank carrying a bag filled with the decorations.

"Would you like to drive home, Frank?" Gerard asked once they'd loaded the boot with their shopping. Frank looked up at Gerard, taken aback.

"You'd really trust me?" He asked. Gerard nodded.

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