17. Is This More Than You Bargained for Yet?

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"Hey Frankie?" Gerard's voice travelled down the hall as Frank poured himself a bowl of cereal. The morning sun was streaming in through the windows, cutting diamonds on the marble countertop.

"Yeah?" Frank asked. He turned around to face the vampire, who appeared to have materialised out of nowhere. Gerard stepped aside so Frank could take a seat at the breakfast bar.

"I don't mean to bother you; I know it's early, but..." Gerard trailed off. "I can wait till tonight, if you'd prefer."

Frank paused, putting down his spoon when he realised what the vampire meant. It had been a week since Gerard last fed from him.

"Oh," he said quietly. Gerard looked at the boy; Frank didn't seem to feel scared, but he was definitely hesitant.

"If you want, I can just go out and find someone else," he quickly added. "Seriously, it's okay, I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

"No, no," Frank said. He shuddered slightly at the thought of Gerard approaching a random stranger and drinking from them. "You can do it now, if you'd like."

"Oh, okay," Gerard said with a slight smile. "I'll let you finish your breakfast and get yourself ready. If you change your mind, just let me know. I'll wait for you in the library."

"Alright," Frank said quietly. Gerard smiled gratefully, his hand lightly grazing Frank's shoulder as he passed him. Frank returned his attention to the bowl of cornflakes in front of him.

Once he'd finished breakfast, he made his way upstairs to freshen up again. He didn't know why he bothered; he'd already showered when he woke up. Was it because he knew Gerard would be practically climbing all over his neck in a few moments? Frank blushed at the thought, then cursed himself for thinking it. He stared at his reflection in the mirror, running a comb through his hair and splashing cold water on his face. Frank cocked his head in the mirror, examining his neck. There were no visible marks from when Gerard had last fed from him, but that had been a whole week ago. Frank rubbed his neck slightly, feeling his skin prickle at the thought of Gerard being so close again. He scrunched his eyes up, shaking all the unholy thoughts from his mind as best he could before heading downstairs to the library. Faint music could be heard when he pushed the door open; Frank recognised it as Teenagers from Mars by the Misfits.

"Hey, Frank," Gerard said softly, turning down the music slightly with the remote. "How are you feeling?"

"Alright," Frank replied. He wasn't sure exactly where Gerard wanted him, so he opted to sit on the long couch beside the vampire. Gerard sat down next to him, his imposing frame looming over Frank's body. Frank shuddered slightly; he didn't remember feeling this short next to the other man.

"Just tell me if you've had enough," Gerard reassured him. The vampire had experienced a bit of a change of heart since the last time he fed from Frank. Sure, Frank was positively delicious, but in the two weeks he'd been living with Gerard, he'd outed himself as more than just a sweet-tasting, human pet. Frank was also an agreeable, beautiful soul who could serenade Gerard with David Bowie songs on the guitar. He was considerate - always asking Gerard for approval before he did anything. Most importantly, Frank had grown confident enough to share his story with Gerard, and he'd listened intently when Gerard talked about Mikey. Gerard felt like taking Frank's blood was wrong, now, but he couldn't resist when Frank tilted his head slightly to the side, exposing the pale flesh of his slender neck.

"Okay," Gerard breathed shakily, inhaling Frank's warm scent. He dipped his head down to sink his teeth into Frank's skin, shivering slightly as the warmth flooded his mouth. Frank made a faint sound under Gerard's bite and, in response, the vampire delicately shifted his hand, clasping Frank's and tenderly caressing the boy's fingers. Gerard sighed softly as he lapped up the blood that was pouring from Frank's neck, locking his mouth over the puncture wound. He continued to suck until Frank twitched slightly under his touch. Gerard paused, swearing that he felt Frank's hips buck up ever so slightly. He wondered if Frank was truly aroused, or if he was confusing the boy's feelings with his own.

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