Jade Mountain Prep

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BTW in this fanfic, Moon can control her powers a little bit.

Moonwatcher's Pov. 

Moonwatcher Artemis watched the huge double doors the her new school. The courtyard was filled to the brim with elves, fairies, nymphs and hundred others. 

"You'll make friends here, Moon." Her mother said, squeezing her shoulder. Moon wiggled in her grasp. "But I don't want to go." She whined. "I'd rather stay with you."

Secretkeeper sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. 

No one will condemn you for my choices here. 

Her mind whispered. 

Moon winced. 

She knew that it wasn't her mother's fault that she was bullied every day.
No, her mother saved her from a terrible fate. 

Until recently, Night Elves used to live on a volcanic island. It was a terrible place to live.

Her mother had saved her from being raised there.

Even if Moon had to faced bullying every day after the night elves escaped to Nymph Territory, it was still a better fate. 

Besides, even if she hadn't been raised in the nymph territory, she was sure she would have been bullied.
For one, she was too pale for a normal night elf. For another, she had sliver fringed hair that made her different. Add a "Perfect" childhood and boom. 

She was public enemy number 1. 

But that wasn't the only problem she faced.

The first month had been terrible. Sharp, resentment filled voices scratched her mind every day until she could control her powers more. 

She could thank the old night elf, Darkstalker for helping her. A debt repaid by her, being the first one to discover him. 

Because Moonwatcher Artemis wasn't normal.
She had the power of mindreading and forsight.
The long-lost power of the Night Elves.

Her mother clapped her hands.
"Enough observing. Time to go in there and see the School."

Panic seized Moon's heart.

"Can I just come here next year?"
She pleaded.

Her mother smiled sympathetically.
"Honey, today's the first day the school opened. Today's the best time to enroll."

As her mother turned around, Moonwatcher heard a quiete voice of her mother's mind

I hope I'm not being a fool. Be strong Secretkeeper.

Moonwatcher gulped.

First day of school full of kids who hate Night Elves for triggering the War of Desert Ruler.

Even the other Night Elves hated her. 

Well, what's the worst thing that could happen? 

Being an outcast? 

Been there. 


Done that. 

Moon slowly breath in and out.

I can do this.

She opened the doors and went in. 
The hall wasn't full of student, but it was louder then outside.

Moon winced.

This reminded her too much of her headache filled night elf village days.

"HI!" A exuberant voice greeted her.
Moon turned around.

An older night elf she didn't recognize stood there.

"I'm Fatespeaker, the Assistant Secretary! What's your name?"

"Uhh, Moonwatcher, but ... just Moon please..."

"Huh, Moonwatcher, hmm?"

Fatespeaker handed her two pamphlets.

"One is the map and the other one is a guidance thingy, okay? Ooh, here comes some nymphs, wanna meet them?"

Moon blinked.

"Umm, no thanks."
She quickly set out to find her dorm room with two goals in mind.

1. Do not attract attention.
2. No troubles at all!!!!

As she navigated through the crowded halls, she battled the growing headache pounding in her head. 

Raindrops. It's all in the raindrops. 

She thought. Because of that, she wasn't watching where she was going. 

She didn't notice the cold air near her, or the way the crowd suddenly fell silent. 

Well, she definitely noticed when she crashed face first with a very hard, very cold chest.

A frigid thought sliced through her head, giving her a brain freeze.

"Watch where you are going."

Well... her two goals failed

In front of her was a very handsome, very, angry ice fairy.

She was doomed.

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