Ice Breaking

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"Let's begin," Kestrel grumbled. "By..." She sighed.

"Breaking the ice. I am, unfortunately forced to make teams and make them do some..." Kestrel hissed. "Activities. Mindreader, Coconut, you are a team."

A elf girl with black, messy hair stood up next to Moon.

"Hmm, me? Ye, sure..."

A boy nymph with lime-green hair stood up at the back of the class.

"Umber, and Turtle, you are a team."

A siren with dull green hair stood up and sat next to a dwarf.

"Kinkajou, Anemone, you are a team."

Kinkajou looked around the class. A lithe hand waved in the air.

"Over here."

Moon turned to see a pale coral pink siren waving her hand at Kinkajou. She had emerald green eyes, coral pink hair, and lots of jewelry. She looked like she could drop dead of the boredom.

Kinkajou shrugged. She then waved to Moon.

"Good luck with your pal, Moon."

"Mighty claws and Pike, you are a team."

" Icicle and Sora, you are a team."

"Qibli and Moonwatcher, you are a team."

Moon looked around.

Where is he?

"Over here!" A mischievous voice called out to her.

Moon spun around and saw Qibli standing in the corner of the classroom.

Moon walked over to him. Her heart thudded.

Will he recognized me?

As she got closer, she saw Qibli's eyes widen. Breathing deeply, she opened her mind to him...

And got quite the surprise.

Thoughts rushed in and out of his mind like an anthill full of activities. Some thoughts were labeled "Goals" some were named "Social Interaction" and some were named "Ignore this!"

It was fascinating to say the least.

As Moon got closer, she could see Qibli's eyes widen. His thoughts got even faster, if that was even possible.

That Night elf, she looks familiar. Oh, wait, that's the night elf that was being attacked by Winter!

I could see her shoulders trembling. She doesn't exactly look scared. She looks nervous. What would she like?

And one thought sliced through all thoughts else.

I have to make her like me.

Moon suppressed a shiver. This, uh, Qibli guy seemed weird. Not just because of his thoughts. He just had a weird aura around him. Like a warm sunshine coated in darkness.

"Everyone, I am leaving the classroom for the moment. DON'T CAUSE TROUBLE, GOT IT?" Everyone nodded. Kestrel left the class.

Moon reached Qibli.
"Hi, um. I'm Moonwatcher,  but, you know, just Moon." She introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Qibli." Moon smiled at him hesitantly.

"Umm, thank you.. you know. For..." Moon trailed off.

"Oh, that? Uh, thanks. I mean. I couldn't stand by and let someone be treated terribly because of their species." Qibli scratched his head. He looked away from Moon, but Moon could tell that what he said was true.

"Um, anyway, so... Shall we start?"

Qibli nodded. "I'll start. I'm Qibli, but you know that already. I am a loyal soilder of Queen Thorn's band of Outlaws. I am a sandwing, obviously."

Moon nodded quickly. "I'm Moon, but you know my name too. I am a night elf and I grew up in the rainforest. I like..  scrolls? I guess."

Qibli cocked his head. Moon could hear his thoughts buzzing.
What does she mean, being grown up in the rainforest? I thought all the Night Elves lived in the volcanic island.
Moon winced. That was going to be hard to answer without going in too deep inside her childhood life.

Thankfully, before he could respond water dropped upon him.

Qibli sputtered, shaking his head. "What in the Seven Skies?"

Moon whirled around to see the pale pink siren who was partnered with Kinkajou.

She had one arm out and was smirking.

"Anemone! That was so mean!" Kinkajou exclaimed.

"I know, thanks. That's the reason why I did it." Anemone smirked. She looked at Moon. "It's you next, Night elf."

Before Moon could react, Kinkajou vanished and Anemone gasped soon after, clawing at the air near her throat.

"Stop it!" She gasped.

Moon blinked. Kinkajou slowly materlized, her hands around Anemone's throat.

"I won't let you hurt Moon!" She yelled.

"Anemone!" A deep green siren hurried over. "What are you doing?"

"What? It was just a silly prank?" Anemone pouted. She flicked her hand and Kinkajou yelped. Kinkajou backed away slowly, rubbing her arms. Her arms that were bright red. Turtle glanced at Kinkajou's arm.

"A prank? Are you serious?"

"What? No one got hurt. And beside, it's not like you could stop me. I'm an animus. Unlike boring old you." 

Qibli slowly stood up, his hair wet. "Being an animus doesn't mean that you could do whatever you want." He spoke.

Anemone rolled her eyes. "Uh, darling. It does mean I can do whatever I want. Sorry to be borned amazing!"

Qibli lowered his eyes.

Moon could hear his thoughts being bitter. If only I was an animus. I could do everything...

Moon frowned. "Umm, but... Being an animus doesn't mean that you could do whatever you want. You could.. lose your soul..Or something..." She mumbled.

Anemone tossed her head haughtily. "I am the best animus to be borned in several centuries. I don't lose my soul that easily."
Before Moon could focus on Anemone's talk, Moon heard another thought coming toward them. A very angry thought. One of a certain red sky mage.

I swear if any of the kids even sneezed, I will be giving detention to all of them.

Moon gasped. "We should seat down. I hear Mrs. Kestrel coming."

Qibli immediately ran back toward his seat and sat down. "Well, I'm out. I don't need any more troubles to use."

Kinkajou slowly backed away from Anemone too. Turtle also turned toward his seat. Only Anemone was standing. "Hah, and I should believe a Night Elf? Fat chance." She leveled her arm at still standing Moon. "I did say it's you next, didn't I?"

Moon could hear Kestrel's angry thoughts going louder. "Please, Anemone. Kestrel is coming. We should both sit down." Anemone laughed. "Puleeze. I don't hear anything, and besides, Kestrel can't do anything to me. I'm the-"

"Delinquent who MADE TROUBLE!!!" Anemone jumped and slowly turned around.

There stood Kestrel, in all her glory. Red hair flowing in the air, eyes turning amber, and a scowl on her already frowning face.

"Detention. Anemone. Causing trouble on your first day? That will be going on your weekly report!" Kestrel spat, thankfully not noticing Moon, who was still standing.

Moon, seeing Kestrel distracted, ran back toward her seat. Qibli looked at her, worried.

"You okay?" He whispered to her.

Moon shrugged. "I'm fine." She whispered back.

Anemone sputtered. "That's... That's not fair! She was standing with me!" She pointed her finger at Moon.

Kestrel glanced at Moon. Her gaze sharpened. "Ah, a distrustful Night elf " She hissed. "Anemone," she turned toward Anemone, frowning. "Do you have any proof?"

Anemone grinned. "They all saw it, right?" She gestured toward the classmates. But then Kinkajou stood up, pointing at Anemone.

"I only saw Anemone's, Mrs. Kestrel!" She shouted.

Anemone's eyes widen. "What! No, no. She's lying. Lying!"

Qibli stood up. "It's true." Anemone beamed at him. "Thank yo-"

"Anemone was the only one who stood up." Qibli grinned.

"No! You're lying too! Ask..." Anemone looked around widely. "Winter! Ask that prince!" She pointed at Winter.

"That night elf stood up, right?" She asked.

Winter frowned as he glanced up at Moon. His gaze shifted to Qibli. Then Anemone.

Winter frowned again.

"I only saw Anemone."

"Aha!" Crowed Kestrel. "Detention, Anemone. Causing trouble on your first day, and now accusing fellow students?"

As Kestrel began to scold Anemone, Moon couldn't help but wonder,

Why did Winter help her? 

Yes!!!!! 1265 words!!!! THE FIRST THOUSAND WORD CHAP!!!!! I love writing Anemone, she's so bratty!!! Votes and Comments give me motivation! 


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