Kestrel's a Bitch

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Moonwatcher Pov.

Moonwatcher resisted the urge to rub her head.

Kinkajou's mind was very, very loud and it was becoming a problem to hold it back.

And her constant chattering wasn't helping.

"So like I said to Coconut you cany be serious. And guess what?" Kinkajou continued.

"He fell asleep! While I was talking! That's crazy! Right?"

Moon giggled tiredly. Even though Kinkajou can be a bit... much, she was still her first friend.

'Raindrops, all in the raindrops.' She thought.

But still the voices persisted, and sliced through the barrier that Moon had.

First day of school, yawn.

That Nightwing looks weird. Oh, it's Moonwatcher. That loony freak.

What if I am the most dumbest of all the students?

Bah, everyone are such a loser. I could kill all of them in one strike.

Moon resisted the urge to groan, but still a little yelp made it past her lips.

"Are you alright?" Kinkajou asked, frowning a bit.

Maybe she is annoyed with me

Moon winced. "No, no, no. I just get these migraines sometimes."

Moon tried to smile, but she was 99% sure that it came out as a wince.

Kinkajou frowned.

"Huh, really? I know that the smell of Gladius flowers are good for migranes. I could give you some if you want." She suggested.

Moon smiled. It was nice for Kinkajou to care. Back in the Nymphs territory, no one particularly cared about her, except for her mother. It was.... refreshing, at the very least. 

"No thanks, Kinkajou. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Kinkajou stilled looked worried.

"Are you sure?" She asked. "Maybe you can go see the nurse. I heard that Mrs. Asha is kind."

Moonwatcher nodded.


Kinkajou relaxed.

"If you are sure... But I heard that the homeroom teacher, Mrs. Kestrel is a total nightmare."

Moon giggled.

"Kinkajou, I don't want to make a bad impression on her."

"I should hope not!"

A harsh voice sounded behind her.

Moon and Kinkajou both jumped at the sound. They slowly turned around to face a scowling sky mage.

The sky mage had ruby red hair cut into an army cut. Her arms were criss-crossed with various scars. Her eyes were warm amber, but didn't radiate warmth. They radiated cold rage.

Moon and Kinkajou both gulped audibly.

"Planning on skipping class on the first day, hmm?" Mrs. Kestrel sounded triumphant.

"No, no you've got it wrong. You seeㅡ" 

"Let it go, Kinkajou." Moon whispered. She could see all kinds of foul schemes going in Mrs.Kestrel's head. And she also knew that Kinkajou had already fallen for Kestrel's trick.

"Ah ha! Now you are trying to disrespect your elders! Detention, both of you!" 

Kinkajou yelped and stood up, frowning. "What? Why?"

"I said the reason." Mrs. Kestrel sneered.

"No you didn't!"

"Maybe the reason why is too hard to get it through your nymph head."

Kinkajou flushed bright red.
She sat back down.

Kestrel sneered at the two of them and stomped up to her seat and began to sort through her paper work.

"That hag!" Moon huffed after Kestrel's back was turned.

"You really think so?" Kinkajou murmured.

"Of course! What she said was so racist. You are the smartest person I ever known."

Kinkajou smiled. "Thanks, Moonㅡ" 

The door crashed open. Moon and Kinkajou stared as the door crashed open, showing two panting fairies.

"Safe!" The ice fairy gasped.

"I told you we will make it!" The sand fairy gasped too.

Wait... they were very familiar fairies.

"Oh, no." Moon whispered.

Kinkajou cocked her head. "Why, what's wrong?" She saw the two fairies.

"Oh..." Her eyes grew in size.

"Those are the faes that you fought with!" She whispered.

Moon silently nodded.

"You are late." Kestrel's cold voice sliced through the air.

"What?" Winter managed to wheeze.

Kestrel sneered again. Moon was starting to think that Kestrel can't smile, only sneer.

"But the bell hasn't wrung yet!" Qibli protested.

"You were later than me. I believe that to be late the class."

"Whether we were later than you don't matter. The only thingㅡ.

"Aha!" Kestrel crowed. "Now you are disrespecting your elders! Detention and go sit down."

Winter looked like he was going to explode.

"This is all your fault, useless Sandling." He growled.

Moon could feel a tendril of thought coming from him.

She will hate me for this.

Hate you? And who's her?  Moon wondered.

"Qibli, go back to your seat." Moon jerked her head up to see Qibli still in front of the class.

"... Yes ma'am." He whispered.

"Just what I expected from a low-born wingless." Kestrel scowled.

Qibli didn't say a word.

He ducked his head and trudged up to his seat.

Moon caught a small whispered thought from him.

Why? Why do they only see a useless wingless? I could be so much more than that....

"Let's start the class." Kestrel grumbled.

The bell rang twice in the air, ominously. 

Yes!!! The longest chapter yet! 821 words! Yeah! Hope you like this chapter! It's my favorite yet ;) 

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