Meh, I don't know how to name this :(

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The Quote of the Day: Writer's block sucks.
- Writers all around the world-

Yep. I'm back from the grave!!! And guess what? I finally got writer's block! Oh, damn. ;) And then, we went camping in school. I hated it. I mean, who needs to learn how to make fire? And being taken of the most greatest invention in human history.

My freaking phone.

Why!!!! How can someone be so cruel!!!!

Anyhoo, a new chap is here! Not exactly my favorite, but enjoy. :)

Finally, the class with Mrs. Kestrel ended. Moon, Kinkajou, Qibli and (somehow) Winter staggered out of there. Anemone walked out of the classroom too, with another green siren trailing behind her, looking nothing short of menacing.

Anemone marched up to Kinkajou, jabbing a finger toward her and the group. "You don't know what you are dealing with," she hissed, jabbing her finger at Kinkajou's chest. "You will regret this."

"Wow, speaking like a real villain." Kinkakou sassed. She moved back a step and crossed her arms. She frowned at Anemone. The sight of a frown on Kinkajou's face was quite comical. Qibli chuckled. "Who knew sirens had claws?" He giggled. Anemone scowled.

"Don't speak to Princess Anemone like that." The tough looking siren growled. Pike, if Qibli remembered correctly.

And he always does.

"She is the second heir to the Sea Kingdom. She is far more important than all of you!" Pike snarled at them.

Qibli felt blood rush to his head.

Far more important....

"Oh, really?" Qibli took a step toward Pike, his eyes narrowing. "Then you probably didn't see the royal Ice fae Prince Winter, nephew of Councilor Glacier, hmm?" He knew that what he was saying is a risky gamble. Even though Fairies were the more respected and stronger of the kingdoms, it was still the heir of the Sirens that they were dealing with. And males couldn't inherit the throne, nor the seat in the council.

But one thing what he learned was that all species bow to a higher power.

Winter frowned.

What are you playing at, Sandling?

He thought, but shook his head. Why should he care what that little wingless is thinking?

But he did care.

Winter might have not been smart as his childhood friend, Lynx, but he did knew one thing. That Qibli was far more smarter and dangerous than he looks like.

"Winter?" Winter flinched and look down. Qibli looked at Winter, implying that he should speak now, or that he would lose his power at school.

"Ah, yes Anemone, how dare you speak to my associates like that." Winter hissed at Anemone. He tried to frown. He was pretty sure that Qibli saw through his facade.

Thank God Anemone didn't.

At those words Winter spoke, Anemone recoiled like she been slapped.

"How very, let's say, ah, noble of you, Prince. Winter." She gritted her teeth, smiling viciously. "I'm sure your... family will appreciate what you are doing." She tossed her head.

"Let's go, Pike." Pike nodded and both he and Anemone flounced off.

Qibli sighed deeply. "Ah, thank the Seven Skies. She's gone." He flopped to the ground dramatically.

Moon smiled. "She's not that bad.. She's just... misguided." She explained.

Kinkajou groaned, crossing her arms. "Misguided my hair. You must be a Saint to think that, Moon. She's just attention-seeking."

Winter frowned at them. "Anemone is a royal. You all should respect her." He sniffed.

Qibli shrugged. "Respect have to be earned. And being born royal doesn't mean anything." He looked into Winter's eyes, mischief glinting in his eyes.

Winter growled at him, his fingers curling into a fist. "Sandwing, you're really pushing it. "

Qibli huffed. "What? I'm right!" He protested.

"Lots of royals don't deserve respect. Like, I don't know. The Three Evil Flames?"

All the students standing shivered. The Three Flames were the nickname for the princesses Burn, Blister, and Blaze, the three idiotic sisters who started the War of Sandwing Sucession.

Winter huffed. "Yeah, right. Even if they were evil, they still did good things, like-"

"Like what? Last time I checked, the only "good" thing that they did was getting Queen Thorn on the throne."

Winter rolled his eyes at that remark. "Pff, come on. Queen Thorn's place in the throne is overrated. She shouldn't have been a queen. I mean, I agree she has good leadership qualities, but she lacks the whole-"

A small flicker of flame next to Winter silenced him.

Qibli glowered at Winter. "Don't talk about Queen Thorn like that." Je growled, summoning another burst of flame in his hands.

Things looked like it was going to get ugly, until...

"Eh hem."

The group jumped and turned around.

"Sunny!" Qibli smiled and ran over to the older sand fairy, Winter's remark forgotten, and the fight interrupted.... for now.

The sandwing had golden yellow hair and sunset eyes. She was on the short side, but in a way she looked petite like 'ancient' fairies.

Sunny put her hands on her hips.

"I don't know about you guys, but next class is almost starting. You probably have to move." She glares at Qibli. "And please don't set the school of fire, dear. I'd hate to close the school on it's 2nd day."

Qibli gasped and slapped his head. "Oh, right! Sorry." He grinned sheepishly. "I.. I need to go now, catch you later!"

He began to run toward the stairs.

Sunny giggled and waved her hands. "Bye, Qibli! And no running in stairs!"

She then turned toward the other classmates.

"Follow him, he knows where all the classes are." She looked at her watch, frowning. "And it seems like you have 5 minutes left."

Winter groaned. "Precious minutes wasted because of him." He began to flap his wings upward.

Kinkajou shrugged. "Let's get going. You coming?" She turned to Moon, holding out her hand at her.

Moon blinked. "Uh, sure."
She grabbed her hand and together, they ran toward their next classroom. 

Okay, so this was a filler chap, but I hope you guys liked it! 

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