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Moonwatcher Pov.

After the whole fiasco with the ice fairy, Moon finally made it to her dorm room.

"304, 305, 306," she murmured quietly to herself.

She stood in front of her dorm.


And by the sounds of it, someone was already in it.
Loud, obnoxious pop music was blasting out of the room.

Moon winced.
'Great, I hope my roommate is not a nymph.'

Nymphs usually lived in the rainforest. They had been cut off from the other realms and beings for centuries. Because of that, they have very few knowledge about modern technology.

Also, they had a very overwhelming personality.

You can see why Moon wasn't very thrilled to meet her new roommate.

The pop music cut off as Moon slowly opened the door.

The pink haired nymph turned around, her face breaking out into the largest smile that Moon had ever saw.

The nymph beamed at her like Moon was the best thing she knew.

She had bubblegum punk hair and violet eyes. Her sun dress looked a little inappropriate for school, but not skimpy or anything. Her hair was braided and tossed casually and stylishly in the back.

And she was smiling so hard it looked like it hurts.

Moon rubbed her head at the impending headache at her enthusiastic greeting.

Oh, how she wished to be in her village with her mom again.

"Hi, I'm Moonwatcher. But just really Moon, actually." She awkwardly introduced herself, obviously nervous.

Well, the nymph obviously had no such qualms.

"Well, I'm Kinkajou! Nice meeting you!" Kinkajou giggled.

"Your hair's so weird! Is it natural?"

Moon winced, remembering the cruel comments from her tribe mates.

Ugh, loser. No wonder you have weird hair.
Hey, creep, how did you make your hair like that? Some voodoo bullshit?
Dye it or something, will you? It's unnatural.
Cursed girl.

She knew that they were only jealous of her childhood, and they were taking it out on her weird characteristics.

But it still hurt a lot. 
"Yeah, it's natural." Moon closed her eyes, knowing that insults will soon follow.

"Cool! I wish MY hair was like that!"
Moon almost gasped at that.

No one had called her hair cool before.

They had called it unnatural or cursed.

"It looks like you dipped it in moonshine!" The nymph continued to gush and fussed over her unattractive, unnatural hair.

Moon started to smile.

'Maybe this school won't be so bad...' 


Guys, I changed chapter 2 a little bit about Qibli. So go check it out!!! 

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